Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας


Βιβλιοκρισία του: Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell

Revue Archéologique

Gaignerot-Driessen, F., 2011. Review of Anna Lucia D’Agata and Aleydis Van de Moortel (eds), Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell [Hesperia Supplement 42] (Princeton 2009), Revue Archéologique 52:2 (2011): 361-363.

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The Dynamics of Culture Contact in Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age: Evidence from Aghia Photia

Chronika 1 (2011): 10-13.

The intensification of interregional contacts between the Cyclades and Crete in the Early Bronze Age is often linked to the development of the first palace states on Crete ca. 1900 B.C.E. Emerging elites in the Cyclades and Crete established long-distance trade routes in order to secure access to prestigious items, including metals, needed to legitimize their authority.

Shillourokambos. Un établissement néolithique précéramique à Chypre. Les fouilles du secteur 1


Shillourokambos. Un établissement néolithique précéramique à Chypre. Les fouilles du secteur 1 Shillourokambos est l΄un des plus anciens sites néolithiques de l΄île de Chypre. Il a été fondé vers 8500 avant notre ère et occupé peu ou prou sans interruption jusqu΄aux alentours de -7000. Consacré au secteur 1 de la localité, cet ouvrage en décrit les divers aménagements, pour la plupart attribuables aux plus anciennes phases d΄occupation, ainsi que des matériaux archéologiques et fauniques correspondants.

Figurines of Neolithic Thessaly. A Presentation. Volume III: The A. Bastis Collection (Ψηφιακή Δημοσίευση)


Figurines of Neolithic Thessaly. A Presentation. Volume III: The A. Bastis Collection (Ψηφιακή Δημοσίευση) Figurine material included in this Corpus follows the typological presentation of the first two volumes entitled respectively Figurines of Neolithic Thessaly I and II: it is distinguished in two main categories, heads and bodies (male, female or parts of them) each one of them comprising naturalistic and schematic figurines (according to their prevailing features) with easily discernible subcategories.

Interaction and acculturation: The Aegean and the central Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age

in Hartmut Matthäus, Norbert Oettinger & Stephan Schröder (eds) 2011. Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. Kulturelle Beziehungen von der Späten Bronzezeit bis zur Frühen Eisenzeit [Philippika, Marburger alterumskundliche Abhandlungen 42]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 109-126.

Since the interrelation between the Aegean and the Central Mediterranean is a historical phenomenon that lasted more than five centuries - a very long period in which crucial changes affected both areas - a refinement in comparing the two chronological sequences seems necessary.

Far-flung Phoenicians bearing early Greek pottery?

in Hartmut Matthäus, Norbert Oettinger & Stephan Schröder (eds) 2011. Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. Kulturelle Beziehungen von der Späten Bronzezeit bis zur Frühen Eisenzeit [Philippika, Marburger alterumskundliche Abhandlungen 42]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 177-184.

One of the most exciting aspects of studying Greek Geometric pottery, of the tenth to eighth centuries BC, is its distribution over a very wide area, far beyond its centres of production. We find it exported over the entire Mediterranean and even beyond: to the east as far as Tell Halaf and Babylon, and to the west beyond the Pillars of Herakles to Huelva, the ancient Tartessos, on the Atlantic coast of Spain.

The history of East Mediterranean and Aegean interaction: Some when, how and why questions

in Hartmut Matthäus, Norbert Oettinger & Stephan Schröder (eds) 2011. Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. Kulturelle Beziehungen von der Späten Bronzezeit bis zur Frühen Eisenzeit [Philippika, Marburger alterumskundliche Abhandlungen 42]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 3-13.

It is probably true to say that the history of East Mediterranean and Aegean interaction goes back at least as far, and actually rather further, than the beginning of the Greek Neolithic, and that, although the nature of this interaction and the forms it took may have changed several times over the succeeding six millennia or so, it never stopped.

The Inner Workings of Mycenaean Bureaucracy. Proceedings of the International Colloquium University of Kent, Canterbury, 19-21 September 2008 (Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee V)


The Inner Workings of Mycenaean Bureaucracy. Proceedings of the International Colloquium University of Kent, Canterbury, 19-21 September 2008 (Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee V) Individuals (or atoms), those that cannot be divided any further, are the building blocks of the world as we conceive it. Both words refer to what cannot be divided and usually denote the bricks and mortar of the social or material worlds respectively. Their study has fascinated many since the dawn of philosophy.

Πρακτικά του Δ΄ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία 29 Απριλίου-3 Μαΐου 2008 (2 τόμοι, Α1-Α2)


Πρακτικά του Δ΄ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία 29 Απριλίου-3 Μαΐου 2008 (2 τόμοι, Α1-Α2) Η έκδοση των Πρακτικών του Δ' Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου διαιρέθηκε σε δύο μεγάλες γλωσσικές ενότητες. Στην πρώτη τέθηκαν όλα τα άρθρα των συγγραφέων που προτίμησαν τη χρήση της ελληνικής γλώσσας, ενώ στη δεύτερη ομάδα ακολούθησαν όλα τα ξενόγλωσσα.

The Ahhiyawa texts (Writings from the Ancient World)


The Ahhiyawa texts (Writings from the Ancient World) Twenty-six texts found in the Hittite capital of Hattusa dating from the fifteenth–thirteenth centuries B.C.E. contain references to a land known as “Ahhiyawa,” which most scholars now identify with the Late Bronze Age Mycenaean world. The subject of continuing study and controversy since they were first published in 1924...

Metallurgical production and long-distance interaction – new evidence from LM III Phaistos

Creta Antica 12 (2011): 289-306.

This paper takes into consideration two fragmentary moulds from the LM IIIC context of the Casa a Ovest del Piazzale I at Phaistos. The identification of the matrix for a bronze win­ged-axe comparable with the well-known item from a mould of Mycenae gives the opportu­nity for having a deeper insight into the relations linking Crete to Italy in the field of metal­lurgical activities at the close of the Late Bronze Age.

La fornace da vasaio TM IB di Haghia Triada. Una riconsiderazione della tavoletta HT 31 (Tablet HT 31 and the pottery kiln from Ayia Triada)

Creta Antica 12 (2011): 273-288.

Of the many studies dedicated to tablet HT 31 the one conducted by Duhoux has cer­tainly solved the largest number of questions, with the exception of a precise identification of the types of vases represented. This paper tackles this issue with a structuralistic approach and starts from a comparison with the LM I formal repertoire which was actual­ly used at Ayia Triada.