Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2011

La fornace da vasaio TM IB di Haghia Triada. Le ceramiche e il sistema di produzione, distribuzione e consumo (The LM IB ceramic kiln at Hagia Triada: the pottery and the system of production, distribution and consumption)

Creta Antica 12 (2011): 199-272.

This study provides a complete and updated edition of the pottery recovered during Levi and Laviosa's excavation of the LM IB kiln at H. Triada and, on the basis of a reasses­sment of old and new data concerning pottery production in the LM I western Mesara

La fornace da vasaio TM IB di Haghia Triada. Introduzione

Creta Antica 12 (2011): 127-130.

Lo scavo della fornace di H. Triada fu l'ultima 'fatica' militante di Doro Levi. L'indi­menticato Maestro lavorava già da qualche anno alla pubblicazione definitiva dello scavo di Festòs, con lunghi soggiorni estivi nei magazzini della Missione italiana.

Per una rilettura «funzionale» dell’ala sud-occidentale del Palazzo di Festòs: il caso dei vani IL-XXVII/XXVIIΙ (Towards a new ‘functional’ interpretation of the south-west wing of the First Palace at Phaistos: the case of rooms IL-XXVII/XXVIII)

Creta Antica 12 (2011): 17-125.

The purpose of this research is to verify, in a preliminary form, a sector of the South West wing of the first palace of Phaistos, excavated by D. Levi during the 1950s. This part of the building, which has yielded a substantial number of finds, has always been highly problematic for the interpretation of data.

Disclosed Intellectual Capital Aspects in Creto-Mycenean Palatial Linear B Clay Tablets

in Tsounis, N. (ed.), 2011. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Economics 2008: 611-621.

While the Bronze Age Culture in Crete is known as the “Minoan Culture” according to Evans, the same culture in the Greek Mainland is called Helladic, that in the Aegean Islands Cycladic and that in Asia Minor Anatolian Culture. In the present work the main focus is put on those mentioned Minoan, Helladic, Cycladic and Anatolian or Hellenic Bronze Age (HBA) cultures.

The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987 and 2001. Vol. 4:1-2. The Late Minoan IIIB:1 and IIIA:2 Settlements


The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987 and 2001. Vol. 4:1-2. The Late Minoan IIIB:1 and IIIA:2 Settlements This volume is the fourth in a series of seven presenting the results of the Greek-Swedish Excavations during the years 1970-1987 and 2001 in the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli Khania. The excavations which are situated close to the harbour of the modern town of Khania, western Crete were under the direction of Dr Yannis Tzedakis and Professor Carl-Gustaf Styrenius.

Mastos in the Berbati Valley. An Intensive Archaeological Survey


Mastos in the Berbati Valley. An Intensive Archaeological Survey This study presents the results of a small but intensive surface survey conducted on the Mastos Hill in the Berbati Valley in 1999. While remains from the Early and Late Helladic period were known from previous excavations on its southern and eastern slopes, this is the first analysis of the entire hill. It includes a digital documentation of the local topography as well as an account of the archaeological remains retrieved in the field.

Minoische Lustralbassins

Boreas 34 (2011): 1-102.

Die sog. minoischen Lustralbassins sind in der ägäischen Bronzezeit nahezu ausschließlich im minoischen Kreta be­kannt. Einzig auf der Insel Thera, die bekanntermaßen stark minoisch geprägt war, wurde ein weiterer Raum dieser Art entdeckt. Im mykenischen Griechenland findet sich der Bautypus der Lustralbassins hingegen nirgendwo.

The Late Bronze Age Shipwreck off the islet of Modi (Poros)

Skyllis 11:2 (2011): 25-34.

The rocky islet of Modi is situated SE of Poros on a sea route very important for navigation in the region. On the north steep sloppy bottom of Modi, at a depth of 27-40 meters, the cargo of a Late Bronze Age shipwreck was discovered, during an underwater research project carried out by the Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology (HIMA), under the direction of the author.

Early seafaring in the Ionian Sea

Skyllis 11:2 (2011): 19-24.

This paper attempts to present the archaeological sites and cultural exchanges between the network of the Ionian Sea islands as stopping places of a long journey along the western coastline of Greece in the middle Mediterranean Sea through which people exchanged things, knowledge and experience.