Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2011

Minoan shipsheds

Skyllis 11:2 (2011): 4-7.

Covered slipways or, shipsheds' were a diagnostic feature of military harbours in the classical world. A new dimension has been added to the subject with the discoveries at Kommos in southern Crete.

Ägina-Kolonna 2010

Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien 81 (2011): 47-72.

Work in 2010 at the ‘West Complex’ of Cape Kolonna was concerned with the East Street with a series of late Archaic occupation layers, the usage levels beneath these dating to the late Neolithic - Early Bronze Age period, and the concluding architectural recording of East Building 0-11

Κρήτης Μινωίδος. Tradizione e identità Minoica tra Producione Artigianale, Pratiche Cerimoniali e Memoria del Passato


Κρήτης Μινωίδος. Tradizione e identità Minoica tra Producione Artigianale, Pratiche Cerimoniali e Memoria del Passato Vincenzo La Rosa rientra nel novero di quelle rare figure di studioso in grado di asso­ciare una pluralità di interessi con una eccezionale capacità di attrarre energie e intelligenze per «fare Scuola», per trasmettere a chi sta vicino la passione per la ricerca, il rigore del meto­do e l’acribia della domanda.

Βιβλιοκρισία του: Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertumer-Neuvorlage. Bd.1: Forschungsgeschichte, keramische Funde der Schichten VII bis IX, Nadeln, Gewichte und durchlochte Tongeräte


Maliszewski, D., 2011. Review of M. Wemhoff, D. Hertel & A. Hänsel (eds), Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertumer-Neuvorlage. Bd.1: Forschungsgeschichte, keramische Funde der Schichten VII bis IX, Nadeln, Gewichte und durchlochte Tongeräte (Berlin 2008), Archeologia LX (2009): 145-147.

Landscapes of power in Protopalatial Crete: new evidence from Galatas, Pediada

Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 53 (2011): 195-218.

A series of complex socio-economic changes led to the emergence of the first polities on Crete at the beginning of the 19th c. BCE. The social and political organization of these early political formations was, and still is, the focus of vivid discussion, especially after the integration of relevant theoretical thinking.

A group of peculiar seals in the Hieroglyphic corpus

Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 53 (2011): 131-149.

The shape generally used by carvers of Hieroglyphic seals is the prismatic one (with three or four lateral faces). Among the exceptions are the seals with one face, which form a considerable group of twenty-two seals, which will be analyzed else­where;

Helike IV. Ancient Helike and Aigialeia. Protohelladika: The Southern and Central Greek Mainland


Helike IV. Ancient Helike and Aigialeia. Protohelladika: The Southern and Central Greek Mainland Ο παρών τόμος (Helike IV) είναι ο τέταρτος στη σειρά τόμος Πρακτικών Διεθνών Συνεδρίων αφιερωμένων στην Αρχαία Ελίκη και Αιγιαλεία, που οργανώνονται από την Εταιρεία Φίλων της Αρχαίας Ελίκης (ΕΦΑΕΛ) και πραγματοποιούνται στην περιοχή της Αιγιαλείας.

Zervos et l’art des Cyclades


Zervos et l’art des Cyclades Ce livre rend hommage à l’action pionnière de Christian Zervos, l’un des premiers à considérer les antiquités des Cyclades comme de véritables œuvres d’art, sources d’inspiration pour les artistes contemporains, à qui il ouvrait les pages des Cahiers d’art.

The Minoan Double Axe. An experimental study of production and use


The Minoan Double Axe. An experimental study of production and use This study investigates the double axe as a tool in Crete during the Minoan period. Previous scholars have attributed the double axe to the equipment of a woodworker, a carpenter, a stonemason and a butcher. The working activities performed by the different users plausibly would have left various kinds of use-wear on the axe, but this has not been studied until now.