Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2012

The impact of rapid early- to mid-Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes on Neolithic settlement at Nea Nikomideia, Thessaloniki Plain, Greece

Quaternary International 266 (July 2012): 47-61.

The site of Nea Nikomideia is one of the oldest and most important Neolithic settlements in Northern Greece and the wider Balkan Peninsula, having been first occupied by early farmers at around 6500 cal. BC. Important archaeological excavations conducted in the 1960s suggested that the settlement was located close to an ancient coastline during the Neolithic.

Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC. A Conference in Honour of James D. Muhly. Nicosia, 10th-11th October 2009


Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC. A Conference in Honour of James D. Muhly. Nicosia, 10th-11th October 2009 Ancient Cyprus was an important copper producing region, as well as a pioneer in the development and spread of metallurgy and metalwork in the wider region of the Eastern and Central Mediterranean. Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC contains twenty-three papers that compare and contrast the material culture associated with metallurgical workshops, as well as discussing technological issues and their cultural and archaeological contexts.

Non-destructive investigation using Raman spectroscopy of stone archaeological artefacts from Apesokari – Crete (Greece)

στο Radvan, R., Akyuz, S., Simileanu, M. & Dragomir, V. (eds), Proceedings of The Third Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry: The Unknown Face of the Artwork (Bucharest 2012): 45-51.

This paper examines stone vessels from two prehistoric funerary assemblages at Apesokari, a site situated in the region of Mesara, south central Crete, Greece.

Out of the Word and Out of the Picture? Keftiu and Materializations of ‘Minoans’

στο Ing-Marie Back Danielsson, Fredrik Fahlander & Ylva Sjöstrand (eds), Encountering Imagery. Materialities, Perceptions, Relations (Stockholm 2012): 235-253.

‘Minoans’ have been recognised as pre-Hellenic race or closed ethnic group in Egyptian representations of Aegean figures from Eighteenth Dynasty Theban tombs. Modern construct of ‘Minoans’ thus merged with an ancient Egyptian construct of Aegean foreigners.

Synchronising radiocarbon dating and the Egyptian historical chronology by improved sample selection

Antiquity 86:333 (2012): 868-883.

Egypt has some of the oldest written records and extended lists of named rulers. But radiocarbon dates have only fulfilled expectations 66 per cent of the time. So why haven't the two types of dating made a better match? The authors provide a dozen excellent reasons, which will sound the alarm among researchers well beyond Dynastic Egypt.

Finding Beer in the Archaeological Record: A Case Study from Kissonerga-Skalia on Bronze Age Cyprus

Levant 44:2 (November 2012): 205-237.

Whilst use of alcoholic beverages is considered an important feature of most societies, identifying alcohol production and consumption in the archaeological record is notoriously difficult. Presented here is a recently excavated oven-like installation, unique in the Cypriot Bronze Age, from the south-western settlement of Kissonerga-Skalia.

Bathing at the Mycenaean Palace of Tiryns

American Journal of Archaeology 116:4 (October 2012): 555-571.

Among Heinrich Schliemann's discoveries of architecture at Mycenaean Tiryns in the Argolid Plain in southern Greece, one of the most impressive was a single huge rectangular stone slab that covered the floor of a relatively small square room.



Χαιρώνεια Η Βοιωτία είναι μία εύφορη περιοχή της Ελλάδος με επαρκή ύδρευση, αλλουβιακά κατά το πλείστον εδάφη και καλή ισορροπία πεδινών και ορεινών εκτάσεων για καλλιέργεια, κυνήγι, βοσκή και ξυλεία. Η Χαιρώνεια βρίσκεται στην κοιλάδα του Βοιωτικού Κηφισού ποταμού, που όχι μόνον ύδρευε την αρχαία Βοιωτία, όπως και σήμερα, αλλά χρησίμευε και ως επικοινωνιακός ιστός ανάμεσα στην κεντρική-δυτική Βοιωτία και τη Φωκίδα-Δωρίδα από όπου πηγάζει.

Θα ΄θελα αυτή τη μνήμη να την πω… Μνήμη Γιάννη Σακελλαράκη


Θα ΄θελα αυτή τη μνήμη να την πω… Μνήμη Γιάννη Σακελλαράκη Η παρούσα έκδοση από την Βικελαία Δημοτική Βιβλιοθήκη αποτελεί αφιέρωμα στον Γιάννη Σακελλαράκη με αφορμή τη συμπλήρωση 2 χρόνων από τον θάνατό του. Τα κείμενα του βιβλίου έχουν γράψει δικοί του άνθρωποι, φοιτητές, αρχαιολόγοι, συντηρητές, εργάτες, φύλακες, συνεργάτες, φίλοι… και το έχουν επιμεληθεί η σύντροφός του Έφη Σαπουνά-Σακελλαράκη και η φοιτήτριά του Εριέττα Δεληγιάννη-Κώτση.

Βιβλιοκρισία του: Mochlos IIC: Period IV, the Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery: the Human Remains and Other Finds

Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Girella, L., 2012. Review of Soles, J.S. & Costis Davaras (eds), Mochlos IIC: Period IV, the Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery: the Human Remains and Other Finds [Prehistory monographs 32] (Philadelphia 2011), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.46

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The Evidence for Lycian in the Linear A Syllabary

A virtual birthday gift presented to Gregory Nagy on turning seventy by his students, colleagues and friends. Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University online publications.

The correspondence between the ideogram АВ 21for “sheep” in Linear A and the syllabic interpretation of this sign as /qi/ in Linear B script allow us to suggest that Linear A was used for an IE language in which the initial laryngeal was reflected as a guttural (*H2wi- or *H3wi- > kwi).

Homer and the Aegean Prehistorian

A virtual birthday gift presented to Gregory Nagy on turning seventy by his students, colleagues and friends. Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University online publications.

With academic subjects as with people, many a close and intimate relationship can become cool and distant. It may even be broken off altogether, and replaced by a different relationship. In the case of academic disciplines, such a transfer of affections can lead to a radical and positive transformation of a subject, even when this also means the virtual disappearance of its older configuration.