Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας


Minoan Metal Vessel Manufacturing: Techniques and Technology

Chronika 2 (2012): 11-21.

The equipment and processes used to manufacture hammered metal vessels during the palatial periods of Bronze Age Crete have not previously been investigated in detail. The study described in this paper takes an interdisciplinary approach to the investigation of how these vessels were made, combining archaeological research with metalsmithing practice to reconstruct Minoan metal vessel production techniques.

Ritual Significance in Mycenaean Hairstyles

Chronika 2 (2012): 92-102.

Although the frescoes excavated from Bronze Age sites on the Greek mainland provide evidence for female figures in the Mycenaean society, the hairstyles of these figures have not been studied in detail. As in many other ancient cultures, hairstyles were not only an exhibition of beauty and fashion, but they also represented certain age groups or a person’s social status.

Κοντοπήγαδο Αλίμου. Ο οικισμός των ΥΕ χρόνων

Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς 151 (2012): 141-199.

Στην περιοχή Κοντοπήγαδο του δήμου Αλίμου Αττικής υπήρχε χαμηλός λόφος με προιστορική κατοίκηση, από τον οποίο σήμερα σώζεται ένα μικρό μόνο τμήμα, μήκους 32 μ., πλάτους 21 μ. και ύψους μόλις 2 μ. πάνω από το κατάστρωμα του δυτικού παραδρόμου της λεωφόρου Βουλιαγμένης.

Without having seen the Queen. The 1846 European travel journal of Heinrich Schliemann: a transcription and annotated translation


Without having seen the Queen. The 1846 European travel journal of Heinrich Schliemann: a transcription and annotated translation Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), a shrewd trader and later in life one of the best known archaeologists of the 19th century, made many travels around the world. He recorded his experiences in several diaries. This publication is a transcription and translation of Schliemann’s first travel diary: his European journey in the winter of 1846/47.

Βιβλιοκρισία του: Shillourokambos. Un établissement néolithique pré-céramique à Chypre. Les fouilles du secteur 1

Les Chroniques de Préhméd

Bailly, M., 2012. Βιβλιοκρισία του: Jean Guilaine, François Briois & Jean-Denis Vigne (eds), Shillourokambos. Un établissement néolithique pré-céramique à Chypre. Les fouilles du secteur 1 (Athens/Paris 2011), Les Chroniques de Préhméd 30-05-2012.

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A New Fixed Point in Minoan Relative Chronology? The Pottery Assemblage from the Ceramic Workshop at Zominthos and Its Implications for Neopalatial Chronology

Archäologischer Anzeiger 2012/2: 1-27.

The small number of securely datable pottery deposits on Minoan Crete poses one of the crucial problems of Neopalatial chronology. Zominthos, however, seems to be the exception to that rule. The ceramic assemblage found in the area of the pottery workshop derives from a sealed deposit par excellence and is thus of paramount chronological significance.

Again on Linear A Metrograms J and E

Kadmos 51 (2012): 27-32.

J and E, the most frequent metrograms of Linear A archives, are reconsidered in their main occurrences, after the discovery of a new text that has been used to demonstrate the value J=1/2.

Linear A banqueting lists?

Kadmos 51 (2012): 1-26.

The main problem with Linear A, as is well-known, is that such a script has not been deciphered yet. Problems relating with the decipherment are the small amount and extension of available texts, which prevent us from recognizing phonetic, morphological and syntactic rules, necessary for an accurate comparison with other known languages.