Priniatikos Pyrgos
URL: http://www.priniatikos.net/PPhome.html
Priniatikos Pyrgos is a limestone headland jutting out into the southwest corner of the Gulf of Mirabello in East Crete. The research so far has revealed evidence of prehistoric industrial activity (e.g. two pottery kilns) and settlement, part of the Classical and Hellenistic city plan of Istron and a previously undiscovered Byzantine ecclesiastical site of regional importance.INSTAP-SCEC Kentro Newsletter
URL: http://www.instapstudycenter.net/newsletter/index.html
The INSTAP-SCEC Newsletter, published annually, is a marvelous way to keep up with events and happenings at the Center. This newsletter contains short articles on member projects, work conducted at the Center, and special features. It regularly offers scholars from the Center a forum for presenting their work.Breaking Ground: Women in Old World Archaeology
URL: http://www.brown.edu/Research/Breaking_Ground/introduction.php
This unique collection of pioneering women’s biographies includes not only field archaeologists, but also those who have been deeply involved in the discipline of archaeology: philologists, epigraphers, writers, artists, museum curators, professors, and fund raisers.Petrota. Surveying Palaeolithic & Neolithic Stone Sources in Greece
URL: http://petrotasurvey.hist-arch.uoi.gr
The Petrota graben, an area c. 100 sq. km in Greek Thrace, is rich in sources of siliceous rocks suitable for the manufacture of stone tools. Some of the sources were exploited in prehistory, from the Middle Palaeolithic on.The area has been under archaeological exploration since 1998. The information you find in these pages is based on the first five seasons of fieldwork, until 2005. It is likely to change drastically as fieldwork and study of the material continue.