Late Minoan I Building at Nirou Khani (after P. of M., II, Fig. 167)
Title: The archaeology of Crete: an introduction
Author: John D. Pendlebury
Year of publication: 1939
City: London
Image number: 32
Page: 190
Dimensions (in cm): 8 x 7,8
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), map 1
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), map 2
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), map 3
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), fig. 1
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), fig. 2
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), fig. 3
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), map 4
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), fig. 4
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), map 5
J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (1939), fig. 5