Anastasia Christophilopoulou
Cyprus Curator-Assistant Keeper, Department of Antiquities The Fitzwilliam MuseumCurrent research and activities:
Anastasia Christofilopoulou is the Assistant Keeper and Cyprus Curator
for the Department of Antiquities of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
Anastasia focused on the Archaeology of the Greek EIA and Archaic
periods, particularly the architecture and material cultures of the
Greek domestic environment as part of the doctoral thesis is Cambridge.
She is currently leading a 3-year research project building a body of
research into the archaeological context, material and technology of the
Fitzwilliam Cypriot Collections. Through this Anastasia is also
addressing questions in relation to Cyprus’s wider identity as a ‘big
island’ and more generally questions of insularity as a factor shaping
the unique cultural identities of the Mediterranean islands. Anastasia
has also been engaged with a research project titled ‘Material Cultures
in public engagement’, essentially a cross-over between material culture
studies and public archaeology since 2014. She has recently curated
(together with Dr. I. Galanakis) an interdisciplinary exhibition on the
history of codebreaking (Fitzwilliam Museum, October 2017-February
Research topics:
Archaeology of the Greek Early Iron Age and Archaic periods.
Island Archaeology and the Archaeology of Cyprus
Public Archaeology and Public engagement with Museums.
Research projects:
Cyprus Research project: http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/research/ reapproachingancientcyprus
Material Cultures project: http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/material-cultures-public- engagement
Codebreakers and Groundbreakers exhibition: http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/calendar/whatson/ codebreakers-and- groundbreakers