Τα μικρογραφικά αγγεία της Πρώιμης Εποχής του Χαλκού της Μύρινας Λήμνου
Angeliki Panatsi & Nikoletta Pilarinou In P. Triantafyllidis (ed.), 2017. Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στα Νησιά του Αιγαίου. Διεθνές Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο, Ρόδος, 27 Νοεμβρίου-1 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, vol. B, Mytilene: 17-32.
Lemnos, opposite Troy, played a decisive role in the cultural sphere of the Northeast Aegean during the Early Bronze Age, due to the island’s excellent geographical location, in front of the entrance to the Hellespont, on the sea route to regions abundant in metal ores and raw materials in Asia Minor, as well as due to its geomorphology. Apart from Poliochni, the sophisticated early urban settlement on the eastern shore of the island, a network of settlements developed over the entire island, such as Myrina, which spreads in a wide zone parallel to the west shore. Excavations that took place during the years 2002-2005 have brought to light impressive architectural ruins, with megaron type buildings, narrow streets, stone paved yards and a system of channels covered by slabs.
From the abundance, variety and quality of the pottery we will present here the miniature vessels. This specific pottery is characterized by its small size, usually not bigger than 7-8 cm, which could follow the characteristic shapes or even new ones. Plenty of them have been made during the Early Bronze Age on the North Aegean, from them 115 have been found in Poliochni, 80 in Thermi Lesvos, 9 in Emporio Chios, 25 in Troy and until now 63 in Myrina. From those 63, there have been identified 15 lids, 8 pyxides, 6 jugs, 3 amphoras, 7 cups, 8 bowls, 3 fruit-stands, 2 spoons, 1 tripodic pot, 2 tripodic vessels and 8 others. We will attempt a classification of the shape evolution and a chronological classification.
Παρακαλούμε τα σχόλιά σας να είναι στα Ελληνικά (πάντα με ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες) ή στα Αγγλικά. Αποφύγετε τα κεφαλαία γράμματα. Ο Αιγεύς διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να διαγράφει εκτός θέματος, προσβλητικά, ανώνυμα σχόλια ή κείμενα σε greeklish.