Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2016

Koukounaries, Paros. The Excavations and History of a Most Ancient Aegean Acropolis

Athens 2016

Koukounaries, Paros. The Excavations and History of a Most Ancient Aegean Acropolis It is with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation to present this handsome book about the ancient acropolis of Koukounaries on Paros. A first account about a rare Aegean acropolis, it contains the result of meticulous and systematic excavations carried out between 1976 and 1992 by Demetrius -Umberto Schilardi, Ephor of Antiquities, Emeritus, and his collaborators. Koukounaries is considered one of the most ancient acropolis sites in the Aegean.

Magoúla-Pavlína. A Middle Bronze Age site in the Soúrpi Plain (Thessaly, Greece)

Gronigen 2016

Magoúla-Pavlína. A Middle Bronze Age site in the Soúrpi Plain (Thessaly, Greece) This volume is devoted to Magoúla Pavlína, a Middle Bronze Age site in the municipality of Almirós (Thessalía, Greece). Immediately after the magoúla was brought under cultivation and ploughed for the first time, in 1996, the site was surveyed and a sample of ceramics, lithics, molluscs and bone material was collected.

Early Bronze Age Troy: Chronology, Cultural Development, and Interregional Contacts. Proceedings of an International Conference held at the University of Tübingen, May 8-10, 2009

Bonn 2016

Early Bronze Age Troy: Chronology, Cultural Development, and Interregional Contacts. Proceedings of an International Conference held at the University of Tübingen, May 8-10, 2009 Troy has been of outstanding importance for EBA archaeology ever since the discovery and excavation of the site by Heinrich Schliemann. Partly due to the paucity of archaeological research on EBA Anatolia, Troy has long been considered as the only key site for Western Anatolia and the Northern Aegean.

Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World. Palace and Province in the Late Bronze Age

Cambridge 2016

Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World. Palace and Province in the Late Bronze Age In this book, Kramer-Hajos examines the Euboean Gulf region in Central Greece to explain its flourishing during the postpalatial period. Providing a social and political history of the region in the Late Bronze Age, she focuses on the interactions between this “provincial” coastal area and the core areas where the Mycenaean palaces were located. Drawing on network and agency theory, two current and highly effective methodologies in prehistoric Mediterranean archaeology, Kramer-Hajos argues that the Euboean Gulf region thrived when it was part of a decentralized coastal and maritime network, and declined when it was incorporated in a highly centralized mainland-looking network.

Οικιστική οργάνωση στην προϊστορική Ελλάδα. Η Νεολιθική και η Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού

Thessaloniki 2016

Οικιστική οργάνωση στην προϊστορική Ελλάδα. Η Νεολιθική και η Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού Στο χρονολογικό ορίζοντα της Νεολιθικής εποχής (6500 π.Χ.- 3900 π.Χ.) εμφανίστηκαν με την αρχή της Νεολιθικής περιόδου οι πρωιμότερες μόνιμες εγκαταστάσεις των πρώτων γεωργών και κτηνοτροφών, οι απλές κοινωνικές δομές των οποίων με την έναρξη της Εποχής του Χαλκού άρχισαν να μετεξελίσσονται σε ποικιλόμορφες κατά περιοχές πολιτιστικές ομάδες με πολυπλοκότερη κοινωνική διάρθρωση.

Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean

Cambridge 2016

Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean The diverse forms of regional connectivity in the ancient world have recently become an important focus for those interested in the deep history of globalisation. This volume represents a significant contribution to this new trend as it engages thematically with a wide range of connectivities in the later prehistory of the Mediterranean, from the later Neolithic of northern Greece to the Levantine Iron Age, and with diverse forms of materiality, from pottery and metal to stone and glass.

Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B

Padova 2016

Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B Nel primo volume, la scrittura, le pratiche scribali e quelle amministrative sono presentate nel dettaglio e messe a confronto con quelle delle amministrazioni minoiche in “geroglifico” cretese e in lineare A, mentre i documenti sono contestualizzati sul piano archeologico e descritti dal punto di vista epigrafico, paleografico e archivistico. Nel secondo volume, dopo una descrizione dettagliata dei settori produttivi ricostruibili in base alla testimonianza delle fonti scritte, è proposta una sintesi sul mondo miceneo, relativa a geografia, società, economia e religione.

Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze-Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean

Uppsala 2016

Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze-Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean The maritime transport of goods in bulk provides a clear indicator of many facets of trade, from networks and merchants to individual economic transactions. One of the key material factors involved is what we term the Maritime Transport Container (MTC), examples of which include the Canaanite jar, Transport Stirrup jar and Phoenician amphora, or more generally transport amphorae. Although studied systematically during later periods, the early phases in the development of MTCs are relatively obscure, because their maritime function and attributes are often overlooked.

Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B

Padova 2016

Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B Questo manuale intende offrire un quadro aggiornato delle conoscenze nel campo dell’epigrafia micenea. Nato dalla collaborazione di un gruppo di specialisti di varie università e centri di ricerca, contiene un'introduzione alla scrittura e alla lingua dei testi micenei e un'analisi dettagliata dei principali documenti in lineare B, suddivisi per argomento. Nel primo volume, la scrittura, le pratiche scribali e quelle amministrative sono presentate nel dettaglio e messe a confronto con quelle delle amministrazioni minoiche in “geroglifico” cretese e in lineare A, mentre i documenti sono contestualizzati sul piano archeologico e descritti dal punto di vista epigrafico, paleografico e archivistico.

Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze-Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Medi-terranean

Uppsala 2016

Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze-Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Medi-terranean The maritime transport of goods in bulk provides a clear indicator of many facets of trade, from networks and merchants to individual economic transactions. One of the key material factors involved is what we term the Maritime Transport Container (MTC), examples of which include the Canaanite jar, Transport Stirrup jar and Phoenician amphora, or more generally transport amphorae.

Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean

Cambridge 2016

Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean This volume represents a significant contribution to this new trend as it engages thematically with a wide range of connectivities in the later prehistory of the Mediterranean, from the later Neolithic of northern Greece to the Levantine Iron Age, and with diverse forms of materiality, from pottery and metal to stone and glass. With theoretical overviews from leading thinkers in prehistoric mobilities, and commentaries from top specialists in neighbouring domains, the volume integrates detailed case studies within a comparative framework.

Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World. Palace and Province in the Late Bronze Age

New York 2016

Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World. Palace and Province in the Late Bronze Age In this book, Kramer-Hajos examines the Euboean Gulf region in Central Greece to explain its flourishing during the postpalatial period. Providing a social and political history of the region in the Late Bronze Age, she focuses on the interactions between this “provincial” coastal area and the core areas where the Mycenaean palaces were located.

Οικιστική οργάνωση στην προϊστορική Ελ-λάδα. Η Νεολιθική και η Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού

Thessaloniki 2016

Οικιστική οργάνωση στην προϊστορική Ελ-λάδα. Η Νεολιθική και η Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού Η «Οικιστική οργάνωση στην προϊστορική Ελλάδα της Νεολιθικής περιόδου και της Πρώιμης Εποχής Χαλκού» του Στρατή Παπαδόπουλου προσφέρει μια συνοπτική και εξαιρετικά περιεκτική παρουσίαση αρχαιολογικών δεδομένων και θεωρητικού προβληματισμού γι’ αυτές τις δύο σημαντικές φάσεις του Προϊστορικού Αιγαίου.

Kavousi IIC. The Late Minoan IIIC. Settlement at Vronda. Specialist Reports and Analyses

Philadelphia-Pennsylvania 2016

Kavousi IIC. The Late Minoan IIIC. Settlement at Vronda. Specialist Reports and Analyses Detailed analyses of the architecture, pottery, other finds (including figurines and stone tools), and botanical and faunal remains are presented in this third volume, along with a complete history of the site and an attempt to reconstruct the social, political, and religious organization of the settlement.