Brandbestattungen von der Mitteleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v.Chr. (Cremation Burials in the Region between the Middle Danube and the Aegean, 1300-750 BC)
Edited by Michaela Lochner & Florian Ruppenstein
City: Vienna
Year: 2013
Publisher: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Series: Veröffentlichungen der Mykenischen Kommission Band 32
Description: Paperback, 238 p., illustrated throughout in colour and b/w, 29.7x21 cm
Akten des internationalen Symposiums an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 11-12. Februar 2010 / Proceedings of the international symposium held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, February 11th-12th, 2010
A change in burial customs took place in large parts of central Europe during the 13th century BC. The dead were no longer buried in inhumation graves –as was customary until then– but were burned and laid to rest in urns. This characteristic burial practice gave the name to the Urnfield culture that performed this rite. This transformation of burial customs is probably connected to far reaching changes in society and religious beliefs, which cannot, however, be determined in detail. In these conference proceed-ings particular attention is paid to the performance of burials and burial rites. Bioarchaeologists in addition to archaeologists participate to enhance the understanding of these procedures. These important aspects were not hitherto in the focus of research. Supra-regional commonalities as well as local peculiarities are discussed to clarify the question of contacts and mutual influences between various regions in central and southeast Europe. The geographical frame of the contributions that are collected in this volume comprises Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Greece.
Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of contents [5]
Vorwort/Preface [7-9]
Michaela Lochner, Bestattungssitten auf Gräberfeldern der mitteldonauländischen Urnenfelderkultur [11-31]
Andreas Lippert, Brandbestattungen der Urnenfelderzeit in der Steiermark [33-44]
Gabor Vaczi, Cultural connections and interactions in the Late Bronze Age cemetery of Budapest-Békásmegyer, Hungary [45-62]
Carol Kacsó, Spätbronzezeitliche Brandbestattungen im Norden Siebenbürgens [63-78]
Matija Črešnar & Jayne-Leigh Thomas, New data on cremation burials from North-Eastern Slovenia [79-97]
Daria Ložnjak Dizdar, Cremation burials in Northern Croatia 1300–750 BC [99-117]
Snježana Karavanić, The Velika Gorica cemetery and related sites in Continental Croatia [119-133]
Zdenko Žeravica✝, Brandbestattungssitten auf dem westlichen Balkan zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr. [135-142]
Mario Gavranović, Spätbronze- und früheisenzeitliche Brandbestattungen südlich der Save. Naturräume und Tradition [143-158]
Predrag Medović, Brandbestattungen in Urnen im serbischen Donaugebiet von 1300 bis 750 v. Chr. [159-171]
Rastko Vasić, Cremation burials in the Morava valley between 1300 and 750 BC [173-183]
Florian Ruppenstein, Cremation burials in Greece from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age: continuity or change? [185-196]
Anna Lagia, Anastasia Papathanasiou, Zoi Malakasioti & Foteini Tsiouka, Cremations of the Early Iron Age from Mound 36 at Voulokalyva (ancient Halos) in Thessaly: a bioarchaeological appraisal [197-219]
Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy, Cremation burials in the Mycenaean cemetery of Elateia-Alonaki in Central Greece [221-229]
Magdalini Valla, Sevasti Triantaphyllou, Paul Halstead & Valasia Isaakidou, Handling of death at the end of the Late Bronze Age: the case of Faia Petra, 13th c. BC, Eastern Macedonia, Greece [231-248]
Heleni Palaiologou, Late Helladic IIIC cremation burials at Chania of Mycenae [249-279]
Abkürzungen/Abbreviations [281]
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