Cogitata tradere posteris: figurazione dell’architettura antica nell’Ottocento. The Representation of Ancient Architecture in the XIXth Century
Edited by Francesca Buscemi

City: Acireale - Roma
Year: 2010
Publisher: Bonanno Editore
Description: Paperback, 168 p., b/w ill., 29,7×21 cm
Proceedings of the International Conference The drawing of ancient monuments in the XIXth century. Between technics and ideology (Catania, 25 November 2009)
This volume is based on the essays presented to the conference ‘The graphic documentation of ancient monuments in the 19th Century. Technique and ideology’, hosted by the Faculty of Literature of the University of Catania on 25 November 2009. It contains 10 articles written in Italian, English and French. Two of the articles focus on the rediscovery of Mycenae and the Treasury of Atreus.
It is important to point out that the present volume does not claim to be an exhaustive research on the theme and on the period specified in title, which in any case would have been impossible, especially in a single day of work. Neither, on the other hand, does the artificiality of the time frame indicated in the title of the Congress escape us, since changes in methodological and technical approaches to the study and graphical documentation of ancient monuments date as far back as the last thirty years of 1700s, and evolve until at least the first two decades of the 1900s. Afterwards, the differences are more applicative in nature, usually relating to the introduction of advanced research technologies.
Francesca Buscemi (Università di Catania), ‘Archaeological representation in the modern and contemporary age. An introduction / Il disegno di archeologia in età moderna e contemporanea. Per una introduzione’ [6-25]
Francesco Tomasello (Università di Catania), ‘Appunti per una introduzione’ [27-36]
Jean-Luc Arnaud (CNRS-Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Aix-en-Provence), ‘Représentations graphiques de l’architecture et patrimonialisation’ [37-46]
Parte I: Documenti
Fritz Blakolmer (Universität Wien), ‘Images and Perceptions of the Lion Gate Relief at Mycenae during the 19th century’ [49-66]
Francesca Buscemi (Università di Catania), ‘Il cd. Tesoro di Atreo a Micene. Prime indagini e restituzioni inedite’ [67-86]
Hubert Szemethy (Universität Wien), ‘From Samothrace to Spalato/Split. The architectural drawings of ancient buildings and sites by George Niemann (1841-1912)’ [87-109]
Parte II: Tecniche e applicazioni
Edoardo Dotto (Università di Catania), ‘Lo strumentario tecnico per il rilevamento: le acquisizioni del primo Ottocento’ [113-134]
Enzo Gabrielle Leanza (Università di Catania), ‘Nuove forme di documentazione. La fotografia archeologica’ [135-146]
Sergio De Bon, Franco Pianetti & Iwona Modrzewska (Uniwersytet Warszawski), ‘Alessio De Bon (1898-1957). Un topografo non accademico’ [147-155]
Giuseppe Giarrizzo (Università di Catania), ‘Conclusioni. Il disegno archeologico’ [157-158]
Francesca Buscemi, Enzo Gabriele Leanza & Pietro Militello, ‘Atene Antica nell’ Archivio del Dipartimento S.A.Fi.St. (Mostra presso le cucine dell’ex Monastero dei Benedettini, 25 novembre-15 dicembre 2009, Catania)’ [159-167]
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