Depositi ceramici del Medio Minoico III da Festòs e Haghia Triada
Luca Girella
City: Padova
Year: 2010
Publisher: Centro di archeologia cretese
Series: Studi di Archeologia Cretese VIII
Description: Hardback, 503 p., 111 b/w ill. in the text, 10 tables, 91 b/w plates, 32,1x22 cm
This volume deals with the Middle Minoan (MM) III pottery deposits from Phaistos and Ayia Triada, and has several purposes: firstly, to provide the evidence for a reassessment of the chronological sequence of the MM III in southern Crete; secondly, to add ceramic data to the scanty architectural evidence from both sites during this crucial period; thirdly, to clarify the key passage from MM III to LM IA by presenting specific deposits that support the MM IIIA and IIIB terminologies used in this volume; fourthly, to enlarge the ceramic corpus already embodied by substantial data published from Kommos.
In spite of all the excavations that have been made in Crete, recent works have stressed the difficulty of stratigraphically or stylistically defining MM III. Attempts to distinguish between MM IIIA and MM IIIB have been ambiguous, and many scholars have thus preferred to reject the traditional divisions of the period proposed by Arthur Evans and Duncan Mackenzie in ‘The Palace of Minos’. Nonetheless, the sequence has still not been defined for the increasingly popular term ‘MM IIIB/LM IA transitional’, thus leaving uncertain the passage from MM IIIB to LM IA. The difficulties lie in establishing whether any division is possible within the MM III material, and whether there is any chronological distinction between MM III deposits at the end of the period, which has been called ‘MM IIIB/LM IA transitional’ by several different scholars. Such chronological difficulties reflect the fact that the condition, form and status of the palace and settlements at this time are uncertain, and also emphasize the problem of attempting to extend local ceramic sequences to all of Crete, without paying sufficient attention to the regionalism that affected ceramic production during the first stage of the Neopalatial period. Indeed, the debate has so far focused almost exclusively on north-central Crete, largely because of the comparative lack of pertinent published material from the other regions of Crete, in particular the western Mesara. In fact, this part of Crete contains a rich series of MM III deposits, and it is one of the few areas of Crete that possesses a complete range of ceramic evidence, as palatial, private and funerary contexts are all represented.
The ceramic deposits examined in the present volume come from the archaeological excavations carried out by L. Pernier and D. Levi at Phaistos, and by V. La Rosa at Haghia Triada. In particular, this study incorporates research carried out by the author for his PhD in Aegean Prehistory at Udine University, during 2000-2002, on the unpublished MM III material from the Chalara quarter at Phaistos, and for a Master’s research Degree at the Italian Archaeological School in Athens on the MM III deposits from the NE sector of Ayia Triada. However, this volume offers a systematic reassessment of the entire MM III pottery assemblages of Phaistos published by Levi and those from Ayia Triada presented in preliminary reports by V. La Rosa.
Ringraziamenti [9]
Prefazione [11]
Sommario [13]
Abbreviazioni [15]
Introduzione [17]
Capitolo I: L’inizio del Neopalaziale: problemi di cronologia e terminologia
1.1 Il problema cronologico. Il MM III nel contesto delle culture del Mediterraneo orientale [25]
1.2 Il problema terminologico [41]
Capitolo II: I depositi ceramici di Festòs
2.1 Il sito e gli scavi [47]
2.2 I depositi ceramici [47]
2.2.1 Criteri di definizione [47]
2.2.2 La sequenza cronologica del MM III di Festòs [50]
2.2.3 I depositi MM III dal Palazzo e dai quartieri vicini [54]
2.3 I depositi MM III del quartiere di Chalara [99]
2.3.1 Lo scavo [99]
2.3.2 Le strutture [100]
2.3.3 I dipositi ceramici [107]
2.3.4 La cronologia [129]
2.3.5 Chalara nel contesto del MM III a Festòs [132]
Capitolo III: I depositi ceramici di Haghia Triada
3.1 Il sito, gli scavi e le vicende del MM III [139]
3.2 La sequenza cronologica del MM III di Haghia Triada [141]
3.3.1 I depositi ceramici [144]
3.3.2 Altri contesti del MM III non considerati nella sequenza [161]
3.4 Il Deposito 15 del settore nord-est: Trincee M/3 ed M/4 [165]
3.4.1 Fabbriche, forme, decorazioni, cronologia [171]
3.4.2 Le trincee M/3 ed M/4 nel contesto del MM III ad Haghia Triada [190]
3.4.3 Natura e significato del Deposito 15 [193]
Capitolo IV: Analisi tipologica: Forme
4.1 Skoutelia [203]
4.2 Tazze troncoconiche [214]
4.3 Tazze emisferiche [224]
4.4 Tazze su piede [233]
4.5 Tazze campanate [234]
4.6 Tazze con vasca profonda [238]
4.7 Tazze con sgrondo [239]
4.8 Bacini [244]
4.9 Olle con becco a ponte [256]
4.10 Pitharakia miniaturistici [269]
4.11 Brocche [278]
4.12 Anfore [293]
4.13 Rhytà [302]
4.14 Conclusioni [311]
Capitolo V: Analisi tipologica: Decorazioni [319]
Capitolo VI: La transizione al Neopalaziale nella Messarà occidentale [345]
Riferimenti bibliografici [357]
Abstract [377]
Tavole [405]
Indice dei luoghi e delle cose notevoli [499]
Appendice I: Tabelle composizione depositi ceramici (su CD) [505]
Appendice II: Tabelle forme ceramiche (su CD) [525]
Appendice III: I depositi ceramici di Chalara: Catalogo (su CD) [539]
Appendice IV: Deposito 15 di Haghia Triada: Catalogo (su CD) [617]
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