Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2009

15 March 2010

Documenta Praehistorica XXXVI. 16th Neolithic Studies

Edited by Mihael Budja

Documenta Praehistorica XXXVI. 16th Neolithic Studies

City: Ljubljana

Year: 2009

Publisher: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska faculteta

Description: Hardback, 348 p., b/w ill., 30,2x21 cm


The 16th Neolithic Studies anthology comprises seventeen selec­ted papers presented at the fifteenth Neolithic Seminar Cli­mate Anomalies, Population and Culture Dynamics in Prehistory that took place at the Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana in November 2008. We also present complementary studies focused on: (i) Palaeolithic ‘art’ objects in Slove­nia, which were described as ‘art’ by their excavators, who un­dertook no further examination or authentication; (ii) the 14C gradient of Early Neolithic pottery dispersal and the gradients of Y-chromosome subhaplogroups J2b and E3b1 distribution that were hypothesized to mark the Early Neolithic demic event in Southeastern Europe; (iii) the diverse iconographic landscapes of the southern Balkans, especially those popula­ted by human figurines; (iv) the comparative study of wild boar and domestic pig skulls, which suggests that a change in feeding habits as a result of domestication may have been a factor which influenced the action of the masticatory and neck muscles in reshaping the cranial region; (v) the study of the formation of layers of burnt herbivore dung in Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age Mediterranean caves that suggests that instead of seeing dung as a culturally neutral refuse which has to be disposed of, we might see its burning and deposition as the cultural manipulation of a potent substance.


Eleni Asouti, ‘The relationship between Early Holocene climate change and Neolithic settlement in Central Anatolia, Turkey: Current issues and prospects for future research’ [1-5].

Bernhard Weninger, Lee Clare, Eelco J. Rohling, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Utz Böhner, Mihael Budja, Man­fred Bundschuh, Angelica Feurdean, Hans-Georg Gebel, Olaf Jöris, Jörg Linstädter, Paul Mayew-ski, Tobias Mühlenbruch, Agathe Reingruber, Gary Rollefson, Daniel Schyle, Laurens Thissen, Henrieta Todorova & Christoph Zielhofer, ‘The Impact of Rapid Climate Change on prehistoric societies during the Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean’ [7-59].

Francesco Menotti, ‘Climate variations in the Circum-Alpine region and their influence on Neolithic-Bronze Age lacustrine communities: displacement and/or cultural adaptation’ [61-65].

Javier Fernandez Lόpez de Pablo & Magdalena Gόmez Puche, ‘Climate change and population dynamics during the Late Mesolithic and the Neolithic transition in Iberia’ [67-95].

Detlef Gronenborn, ‘Climate fluctuations and trajectories to complexity in the Neolithic: Towards a theory’ [97-109].

Siiri Rootsi, ‘Implications of the role of Southeastern Europe in the origins and diffusion of major Eurasian paternal lineages’ [111-115].

Mihael Budja, ‘Early Neolithic pottery dispersals and demic diffusion in Southeastern Europe’ [117-137].

Patrik Galeta & Jaroslav Bruzek, ‘Demographic model of the Neolithic transition in Central Europe’ [139-149].

Ebbe H. Nielsen, ‘The Mesolithic background for the Neolithisation process’ [151-157].

Nadezhda Kotova, ‘The Neolithization of Northern Black Sea area in the context of climate changes’ [159-173].

Krisztián Oross & Eszter Bánffy, ‘Three successive waves of Neolithisation: LBK development in Transdanubia’ [175-189].

Emanuela Cristiani, Annaluisa Pedrotti & Stefano Gialanella, ‘Tradition and innovation between the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in the Adige Valley (Northeast Italy). New data from a functional and residues analyses of trapezes from Gaban rockshelter’ [191-205].

Alexandru Dinu, ‘The action of the masticatory muscles and cranial changes in pigs as results of domestication’ [207-217].

Dimitrij Mlekuź, ‘The materiality of dung: the manipulation of dung in Neolithic Mediterranean caves’ [219-225].

Rastko Cvekić, ‘Some thoughts on social versus cultural complexity’ [227-245].

Dušan Borić, Jelena Raičević & Sofija Stefanović,  ‘Mesolithic cremations as elements of secondary mortuary rites at Vlasac (Serbia)’ [247-281].

Stratos Nanoglou, ‘Representing people, constituting worlds: Multiple “Neolithics” in the Southern Balkans’ [283-297].

Simona Petru, ‘Palaeolithic art in Slovenia’ [299-303].

Georgia Kourtessi-Philippakis, ‘Lithics in the Neolithic of Northern Greece: Territorial perspectives from an off-obsidian area’ [305-311].

Martin Kuča, Antonin Přichystal, Zdeněk Schenk, Petr Škrdla & Milan Vokáč, ‘Lithic raw material procurement in the Moravian Neolithic: the search for extra-regional networks’ [313-325].

Phil Mason & Maja Andrić, ‘Neolithic / Eneolithic settlement patterns and Holocene environ-mental changes in Bela Krajina (south-eastern Slovenia)’ [327-335].

Marcel Burić & Tihomila Težak-Gregl, ‘Geo-pedological and climatic impact on the distribution and organization of Neolithic settlements in Eastern Croatia (Western Syrmia)’ [337-345].

Book Reviews


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