Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2014

6 January 2015

Donum Mycenologicum. Mycenean Studies in Honour of Francisco Aura Jorro

Alberto Bernabé & Eugenio R. Lujan

Donum Mycenologicum. Mycenean Studies in Honour of Francisco Aura Jorro

City: Louvain-la-Neuve, Walpole

Year: 2014

Publisher: Peeters

Series: Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 131

Description: Paperback, 276 p., b/w figures in text, 24x16 cm


Since the decipherment of the Linear Β script by Michael Ventris in 1952, many books and papers have contributed to a better understanding of the Mycenaean texts and their cultural context. F. Aura Jorro has been able to critically review and systematize the richness and variety of the scholarship devoted to the interpretation of Mycenaean in his outstanding Diccionario micénico. This volume honours him with sixteen papers written by scholars working from different perspectives on the Linear Β tablets, Mycenaean culture, and related fields. The papers collected in this book provide new insights into a number of various subjects: Linear Β script and texts, Mycenaean grammar, lexicon and religion.

Some of the papers tackle with open questions concerning the phonetic value of certain Linear Β syllabograms, thus making a contribution towards a more refined understanding of this script. The function of particular types of texts, such as the ‘flat-based nodules’, is also dealt with in the volume. Various linguistic questions raised by the study of the Mycenaean texts are the focus of other papers, including certain aspects of Mycenaean grammar in comparison to the situation in 1st millennium Greek and its Indo-European background, as well as onomastics, lexicon, and word formation.

Other papers are devoted to the interpretation of individual tablets, thus providing in-depth analyses of some texts. A number of papers deal with particular aspects of Mycenaean religion (gods, cults and rituals), and the volume also makes a contribution to the ongoing debate on the interpretation of the new Linear Β texts from Thebes. Finally, some papers are concerned with the interaction of Linear Β and Mycenaean with other languages and scripts and other questions of Aegean epigraphy. The volume will be of interest not only for Mycenologists and specialists in the Aegean cultures, but also for scholars working on the history of the Greek language, Greek religion and institutions, and Indo-European.


Table of Contents [iii]

Alberto Bernabé & Eugenio R. Luján, Prefacio [v]

Francisco Rodríguez Adrados & Presentación Alberto Bernabé, Los términos micénicos en -e-wi-ja [1-19]

Maurizio Del Freo, Observations on the Knossos tablet Og 1527 [21-29]

Yves Duhoux, La tablette linéaire B TH X 105 [31-34]

José Luis García Ramón,  Anthroponymica Mycenaea: e-ke-ra -wo 2 */En-kheriā-wōn/, *ἐγχειρία y ἐγχειρέω ‘emprender’ (*‘poner mano en’), ἐγχείρημα, ἐγχείρησις [35-49]

Eugenio R. Luján, Los temas en -s en micénico [51-73]

José L. Melena, Filling gaps in the basic Mycenaean syllabary [75-85]

Thomas G. Palaima, The reception of Aura Jorro’s Diccionario Micénico in Mycenaean studies [87-94]

Massimo Perna, Problemi di epigrafi a cipriota [95-104]

Rachele Pierini,  Ricerche sul segno 25 del sillabario miceneo [105-137]

Anna Sacconi, I supporti della scrittura lineare B e i cosidetti ‘flat-based nodules’ [139-146]

Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez, La polaridad ‘dar/pagar’ en el mundo micénico [147-161]

Irene Serrano Laguna, Danzas de animales micénicas [163-171]

Rupert Thompson, Mycenaean -pi and pa-ro in the light of TH Uq 434 [173-187]

Carlos Varias García, Po-ti-ni-ja y si-to-po-ti-ni-ja en las inscripciones en Lineal B de Micenas [189-199]

Jörg Weilhartner, Die Teilnehmer griechischer Kultprozessionen und die mykenischen Tätigkeitsbezeichnungen auf -po-ro/-φόρος [201-219]

Julien Zurbach, La situation épigraphique et linguistique à Milet à l’époque mycénienne [221-235]

General References [237]

Indexes [241]

1. Index of Linear B texts [241]
2. Index of other Aegean inscriptions [248]
3. Index of other inscriptions [249]
4. Index of Linear B Words [249]
5. Index of Linear B abbreviations/ideograms [262]
6. Index of alphabetic Greek words [263]


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