Fouilles exécutées à Malia : Les abords Nord-Est du palais I. Les recherches et l’histoire du secteur
Pascal Darcque, Martin Schmid & Aleydis van de Moortel
City: Athens
Year: 2014
Publisher: École française d’Athènes
Series: Études Crétoises 35
Description: Paperback, 202 p., 124 b/w figures, 19 colour drawings, 29,7x21 cm
This volume is the first in a series publishing the results of the excavations carried out in the area immediately northeast of the palace of Malia. It presents the history of research and a period-by-period overview describing each building, room, and space with a complete inventory of the associated finds, including some C14-dated samples. The main results of these researches concern the history of the palace of Malia, as well as the evolution of the entire site. On one hand, the identification of houses-with-workshops of the same date as those of Quartier Mu (Middle Minoan II) confirms the homogeneous character of the Malia Protopalatial settlement. On the other hand, the study of the Late Minoan I architectural remains reveals a surprising degree of monumentality for a palace entrance that waspreviously considered as secondary ; the subsequent changes in its exterior arrangements can be interpreted as a gradual encroachment of the palace onto this area of the town. Moreover a new stratigraphically based Neopalatial pottery chronology is presented.
Avant-propos (P. Darcque) [1]
1. Les recherches menées entre 1926 et 1934 [15]
2. Les recherches menées en 1978 [18]
3. Les recherches menées entre 1981 et 2010 [19]
Annexe : les campagnes de détection électrique [22]
II. FORME, HISTOIRE ET FONCTION DES ESPACES (P. Darcque, M. Schmid, A. van de Moortel, avec lacollaboration de I. Bradfer-Burdet, C. Cheval, R. Christidou, I. Gavrilaki, D. Helmer, I. Kilian-Dirlmeier, P. J. P. McGeorge, E. Morero, A. Moundrea-Agrafioti, C. Oberweiler, A. Prieur, H. Procopiou, A. Sarpaki, S. Thiébault, E.Vila-Meyer) [27]
III. LES DATATIONS C14 (P. Darcque, avec la collaboration de C. Oberlin) [165]
CONCLUSIONS (P. Darcque et A. van de Moortel) [171]
1. Les premiers niveaux d’occupation [171]
2. L’époque protopalatiale [174]
2.1. La chronologie relative et absolue des niveaux protopalatiaux [174]
2.2. La relation architecturale des bâtiments découverts avec le palais [175]
2.3. La nature de l’agglomération protopalatiale [176]
3. L’époque néopalatiale [178]
3.1. L’aspect de l’entrée Nord-Est du palais et l’interaction palais-agglomération [178]
3.2. La chronologie relative et les destructions de l’époque néopalatiale [180]
3.2.1. La destruction du MR IA Tardif/MR IB Ancien [180]
3.2.2. La destruction finale du palais [181]
Index [183]
Table des figures [185]
Table des planches [187]
Table des plans [195]
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