Knossos Excavations 1957-61: Early Minoan
M.S.F. Hood & Gerald Cadogan

City: London
Year: 2011
Publisher: British School at Athens
Series: BSA Supplementary volumes no. 46
Description: Hardback, 395 p., 65 half-tone plates, 90 text figures, 30 tables,30,2x21 cm
From 1957 to 1961 the British School at Athens undertook an extensive programme of stratigraphical excavations at Knossos under Sinclair Hood, then Director of the School. This report publishes in detail the results of investigations into Early Minoan levels, which shed much new light on the era before the “Old Palace” was established. The three excavations comprised: an Early Minoan I deep well, the oldest at Knossos; trials on the north side of the Royal Road, with Early Minoan II-III house remains; and similar trials in the Early Houses below the South Front of the Palace, which included investigation of the South Front House of Early Minoan III. The volume provides invaluable data on the types and phased development of pottery in this major settlement site of the third millennium BC, a period when much of our Cretan evidence derives from tombs. It also helps to chronicle the expansion of Knossos during the Early Bronze Age and offers new insights into the material culture of Prepalatial society, including possible feasting in Early Minoan I, new evidence for olives and wine and well-dated Early Minoan III seal impressions of the Parading Lions group. A valuable addition is a chapter devoted to other Early Minoan pottery from Knossos held in museums in Europe and the USA. Copiously illustrated with line drawings and photographs, the volume will serve as a major resource for all interested in early cultural developments in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean.
List of Figures [ix]
List of Tables [xii]
List of Plates [xiii]
List of Abbreviations [xvi]
Preface [xvii]
Introduction: The excavations at Knossos, 1957-1961 [1]
Chapter 1: The Minoan system of Arthur Evans [5]
Defining the Minoan periods [8]
The Early Minoan sequence represented in the 1957-1961 excavations [13]
Middle Minoan IA and later [15]
Chapter 2: The Early Minoan excavations of 1958-1961 [17]
Methods of study, and presentation of the finds [17]
Chapter 3: Early Minoan I: the Palace Well [21]
Introduction [21]
Excavation [23]
Pottery 1-163 [25]
Other artefacts 164-179 [59]
Plaster [59]
Clay [60]
Bone [61]
Stone [61]
Obsidian by Doniert Evely [62]
Bioarchaeological remains [63]
Faunal remains and taphonomy by Valasia Isaakidou [63]
Molluscs by Rena Veropoulidou [67]
Olives and vines by Jane M. Renfrew [67]
The Early Minoan I Palace Well at Knossos [69]
Chapter 4: The Early Minoan II—III excavations [75]
Area A. Royal Road: North [75]
Area B. The Early Houses to the south of the Palace [80]
The history of excavations and interventions around the Early Houses [81]
The 1960 excavations [84]
Neolithic and Prepalatial occupation at the Early Houses and South Front House [93]
Chapter 5: The Early Minoan II pottery [95]
Chapter 6: The Early Minoan III pottery [123]
Chapter 7: Area A. Royal Road: North. The Early Minoan II-III deposits [131]
Deposit A0 [131]
Deposit A1: 180-275 [131]
Deposit A2: 276-419 [142]
Deposit A3: 420-513 [155]
Deposit A4: 514-550 [163]
Deposit A5: 551-631 [167]
Deposit A6: 632-658 [175]
Deposit A7.1: 660-688 [178]
Deposit A7.2: 689-698 [182]
Deposit A8: 700-777 [183]
A9: Early Minoan pottery from later or mixed deposits [190]
Royal Road: North: 778-796 [190]
Royal Road: South: 797-818 [192]
Hogarth’s Houses: 819 [192]
Chapter 8: Area B. The Early Houses: The Early Minoan II-III deposits [193]
Deposit B1:820-912 [193]
Deposit B2: 913-1045 [201]
Deposit B3: 1046-1147 [212]
Area B miscellaneous: 1148-1149 [226]
Chapter 9: Early Minoan II-III: other artefacts and bioarchaeological remains [227]
Area A. Royal Road North: 1150-1166 [227]
Plaster [227]
Clay [227]
Bone [228]
Stone by Peter Warren [228]
Obsidian by Doniert Evely [229]
Faunal remains by Valasia Isaakidou [229]
Vines [233]
Area B. The Early Houses: 1167-1178C [234]
Plaster [234]
Clay [234]
Bone [236]
Stone by Peter Warren [236]
Obsidian by Doniert Evely [236]
Faunal remains by Valasia Isaakidou [237]
Chapter 10: Other Early Minoan pottery from Knossos: 1179-1369 [239]
The Stratigraphical Museum at Knossos [239]
Early Minoan I [245]
Early Minoan IIA [247]
Early Minoan IIB [266]
Other Early Minoan II pottery [274]
Early Minoan III [276]
Some other Early Minoan artefacts [279]
Clay [279]
Stone by Peter Warren [280]
Chapter 11: The Early Minoan ceramic sequence of Knossos [281]
Early Minoan I [281]
Early Minoan IIA [286]
Early Minoan IIB [286]
Early Minoan III [287]
Early Minoan IA and Early Minoan IB by Sinclair Hood [288]
Chapter 12: Conclusions [291]
Appendix 1: Petrography concordance [297]
Appendix 2: Museum concordance [299]
Bibliography [301]
Index [315]
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