Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2012

3 November 2012

PHILISTOR: Studies in Honor of Costis Davaras

Edited by Eleni Mantzourani & Philip P. Betancourt

PHILISTOR: Studies in Honor of Costis Davaras

City: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Year: 2012

Publisher: INSTAP Academic Press

Series: Prehistory Monographs 36

Description: Hardback, xxxi & 282 p., 5 tables in text, 187 figures in text, 28,7x22,1 cm


Contributions by 37 scholars are brought together here to create a volume in honor of the long and fruitful career of Costis Davaras, former Ephor of Crete and Professor Emeritus of Minoan Archaeology at the University of Athens. Articles pertain to Bronze Age Crete and include mortuary studies, experimental archaeology, numerous artifactual studies, and discussions on the greater Minoan civilization.

In Greek the word φιλίστωρ [philistorj means the lover of learning, of history, the person who constantly seeks new knowledge. The characterization of philistor fits the personality of Costis Davaras because he has always tried to expand his knowledge horizons and has never limited himself solely to his fields of specialization. His entire life is full of diverse activities, philosophical self-reflection, and sociopolitical interests.


List of Tables in the Text [xi]

List of Figures in the Text [xiii]

Eleni Mantzourani, Biography of Costis Davaras[xxi]

Bibliography of Costis Davaras [xxv]

List of Abbreviations [xxxi]

1. Philip P. Betancourt, The frying pans from Hagia Photia [1-6]

2. Keith Branigan, The genesis of the Early Minoan Tholos tomb [7-14]

3. Thomas M. Brogan, Harvesting an old rattle: the bronze sistrum from the “royal” villa at Hagia Triada [15-24]

4. Christos G. Doumas, Γαία περίρρυτος. Some thoughts on “neo-Minoan” mythology [25-34]

5. Florence Gaignerot-Driessen & Jan Driessen, The presence of pumice in LM IIIB levels at Sissi, Crete [35-42]

6. Geraldine C. Gesell, The Kavousi goddesses with up-raised hands: new information on technology [43-50]

7. Donald C. Haggis, An Early Minoan I long dagger and razor from Kalo Chorio, East Crete [51-58]

8. Barbara J. Hayden, Firebars and other ceramics of problematic function from Priniatikos Pyrgos  [59-64]

9. Athanasia Kanta (with contributions by Eleni Nodarou & Argyro Nafplioti), A tomb from Gonies Pediados: the end of Final Neolithic IV merges with the dawn of the Early Bronze Age [65-80]

10. Alexandra Karetsou (with contribution by R.D.G. Evely), Stone kernoi from the Juktas peak sanctuary [81-96]

11. Vincenzo La Rosa, A new idol of cycladic type from Hagia Triada [97-104]

12. Eleni Mantzourani, Sexuality or fertility symbol?: the bronze figurine from Makrygialos [115-112]

13. Nanno Marinatos, A story of lions: palatial ideology in Egypt, Knossos and Mycenae [113-118]

14. Jennifer Moody, Jerolyn E. Morrison & Harriet Lewis Robinson, Earth and fire: Cretan potting traditions and replicating Minoan cooking fabrics [119-132]

15. Polymnia Muhly, A terracotta foot model from the Syme Sanctuary, Crete [133-138]

16. Krzysztof Nowicki, East Cretan peak sanctuaries revisited [139-154]

17. Yiannis Papadatos, An Early Minoan boat model from Kephala Petras, Siteia [155-160]

18. Lefteris Platon, New evidence on the origin of the Late Minoan III chest-shaped larnax [161-168]

19. Giorgos Rethemiotakis, God save our homes: the case of the horns of consecration from Galatas [169-178]

20. Martin Schmid, The hypostyle crypt (Quartier Kappa) and the large court, Malia: an athletic center? [177-186]

21. Jeffrey S. Soles, Mochlos boats [187-200]

22. Dimitris Sphakianakis, The Vrysinas Ephebe: the lower torso of a clay figurine in Contrapposto [201-212]

23. Metaxia Tsipopoulou, Kampos group pottery from the Prepalatial cemetery of Petras, Siteia [213-222]

24. Loeta Tyree, Harriet Lewis Robinson & Paraskevi Stamataki, Minoan bee smokers: an experimental approach [223-232]

25. Iris Tzachili, Headless, armless but sexuated bodies: on some particular figurines from the peak sanctuary of Vrysinas, near Rethymnon, Crete [233-238]

26. Yannis Tzedakis & Holley Martlew, Armenoi: the Late Minoan III necropolis and the town [239-246]

27.Giorgos Vavouranakis, The Neopalatial farmhouse at Kephali Lazana, Chondros Viannou, re-examined [247-254]

28. Peter M. Warren, The apogee of Minoan civilization: the Final Neopalatial period [255-272]

29. L. Vance Watrous, An overview of secondary state formation on Crete: the Mirabello region during the Bronze Age [273-282]


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