Policies of Exchange. Political Systems and Modes of Interaction in the Aegean and the Near East in the 2nd Millennium B.C.E.
Edited by Birgitta Eder & Regine Pruzsinzky
City: Vienna
Year: 2015
Publisher: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Series: Oriental and European Archaeology 2
Description: Paperback, 357 p., numerous b/w & colour figures, 29,7 x 21 cm
Proceedings of the International Symposium at the University of Freiburg, Institute for Archaeological Studies, 30th May-2nd June 2012
The Late Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean belongs to the most captivating chapters in the history of the Ancient World: Various cuneiform documents and archaeological sources illustrate the numerous contacts between different polities in the 2nd millennium BCE. Reciprocal gift exchange within the framework of diplomatic contacts and redistributive mobility of goods in asymmetric political relations shaped regional and supra-regional communication in different ways. Following the detailed discussions about modes of culture contacts and exchanges in previous research the contributions in the present volume address questions of the specific mechanisms and routes of exchange. How and by which means did material commodities and knowledge circulate among the Great Powers, lesser independent states and vassal kingdoms of the Aegean, Anatolia, Syria, the Levant, Mesopotamia and Egypt? Where did the different raw materials and finished products come from, and under which conditions and by whom were they negotiated? Is it possible to determine regions of production and direct and indirect channels of distribution? Which rules were applied in the supra-regional exchange? Which possibilities and which obligations did the vassal kingdoms of the Levant have towards the Great Powers of the Hittites, Assyrians and Egyptians? Which role did the Mycenaean palaces of the Aegean play within the “international” network of exchanges? Can we develop a model of political and economic interaction? During the symposium at Freiburg University archaeologists, philologists and historians discussed these issues on the basis of the current evaluation of the archaeological and written evidence within an interdisciplinary framework and developed perspectives on the specific forms of exchange (re)considering the interaction of political and economic forces.
Color maps of the Eastern Mediterranean in the 15th/14th c. and 13th c.B.C.E. [7]
Preface by the Series Editor [9]
Birgitta Eder & Regine Pruzsinszky, Introduction [11-15] PDF
Mario Liverani, Exchange Models in Historical Perspective [19-31]
Syria and the Levant
Valerie Matoian, Ugarit et l’Égypte : essai d’interprétation de la documentation archéologique et perspectives de la recherche [35-84]
Kevin M. McGeough, “What is Not in My House You Must Give Me”. Agents of Exchange According to the Textual Evidence from Ugarit [85-96]
Elisa Roßberger, Local, Foreign and International Args and Crafts at Late Bronze Age Qatna [97-115]
Elena Devecchi, The International Relations of Hatti’s Syrian Vassals, or How to Make the Best of Things [117-126]
Egypt and its External Relations
Laurent Bavay, Canaatine Jars and Jar Sealings from Deir el-Medina: Scattered Evidence of Egypts’s Economic Relations with the Levant during the New Kingdom [129-140] PDF
Alexander Ahrens, Objects from Afar-the Distribution of Egyptian Imports in the Northern Levant: Parameters for Ascertaining the Character of Diplomatic Contacts between Egypt and the Levant during the Bronze Age? [141-156]
Jana Mynarova, Egypt Among the Great Powers and its Relations to the Neighboring Vassal Kingdoms in the Southern Levant According to the Written Evidence Thutmose III and Amarna [157-165] PDF
Ellen Morris, Exchange, Extraction, and the Politics of Ideological Money Laundering in Egypt’s New Kingdom Empire [167-190] PDF
Felix Höflmayer, Egypt’s “Empire” in the Southern Levant during the Early 18th Dynasty [191-206] PDF
The Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean
Eric H. Cline, Preliminary Thoughts on Abundance vs Scarcity in the Ancient World: Competition vs. Cooperation in Late Bronze Age Trade across the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean [209-219]
Birgitta Eder, Stone and Glass: The ideological Transformation of Imported Materials and their Geographic Distribution in Mycenaean Greece [221-242]
Reinhard Jung, Imported Mycenaean Pottery in the East: Distribution, Context and Interpretation [243-275] PDF
Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, Sealing and “Exchange” in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Beyond [277-291]
Hartmut Matthäus, Χρυσοπράσινο φύλλο ριγμένο στο πέλαγο: Cyprus-Crossroads of Civilizations [293-312]
The Hittites and their Neighbors
Regine Pruzsinszky & Barbara E. Solans, Emar’s Role in Transregional Trade at the Crossroads along the Middle Euprates [315-337]
Mirko Novák, Archaeology of Exchange: Evidence for Supra-Regional Contacts According to the Archaeological Sources in Hatti [339-348]
Indices [349-357]
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