The Kingdom of Mycenae; A Great Kingdom in the Late Bronze Age Aegean
Jorrit M. Kelder

City: Bethesda, Maryland
Year: 2010
Publisher: CDL Press
Description: Hardcover, 172 p., 9 maps, 4 tables, 8 figures, 24x16 cm
The study at hand presents a new evaluation of the data and our understanding of the political landscape in Greece during the Late Bronze Age, especially during the fourteenth and thirteenth centuries BC. Over the last several years there has been a flood of new publications on this topic, in popular magazines, monographs, and scholarly publications. It seemed time to bring together the various different views and to evaluate them. During this effort, the author increasingly came to see the Mycenaean world as a unified state, a concept that, as a result of his research, has become the main argument of this work. His thesis is the existence of a large territorial entity covering most of the Greek mainland, the isles in the Aegean, and the center on the Anatolian west coast that was later known as Miletus. This entity was known as Ahhiyawa to the Hittites and as Tanaju to the Egyptians, and Mycenae, its capital, was its focus of economic, political, and ritual life.
List of Maps [vi]
Acknowledgments [vii]
Prologue [viii]
Introduction [1]
The Textual Evidence [7]
The Linear B Tablets [7]
Ahhiyawa and Western Anatolia [21]
The Egyptian Perception [35]
Iconography [40]
The Mycenaean World according to the Texts [44]
The Archaeological Evidence [49]
Mycenaean Artefacts on the Anatolian West Coast [49]
Ahhiyawa in Western Anatolia [61]
Mycenaean Artefacts in Egypt [62]
Tanaju, the Kingdom of Mycenae and Ahhiyawa [85]
Search for the Heartland [85]
Thebes or Mycenae? [88]
Archaeology of Empire [99]
Archaeology of the Mycenaean Empire [10]7
Synthesis: The Reconstruction of a Great Kingdom [119]
Appendix [121]
Sites in Western Anatolia [121]
Table 1: Chronological Overview [137]
Table 2: Trojan Chronology [139]
Table 3: Sites in Western Anatolia with Mycenaean Pottery [140]
Table 4: Mycenaean Pottery at the Site of El Amarna/Akhetaten, Egypt [141]
References [147]
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