Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


ITIA. Research Team. National Technical University of Athens. Faculty of Civil Engineering. Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering


Itia is a research team working on the fields of hydrology, hydrosystems management, hydroinformatics and hydroclimatic stochastics. The name "Itia" is not an acronym; it is Greek for willow tree. It consists of 18 members; the team leader is Demetris Koutsoyiannis. Itia is an open team and has collaborated with colleagues worldwide.

Apesokari Tholos Tomb B Study Project


Apesokari is a village in south central Crete and the location of several prehistoric archaeological sites. One of them is Tholos Tomb B. It is a stone built monument, used in the Early and Middle Minoan Period (c. 3500-1650 BC). It was excavated in 1963 by Costis Davaras, emeritus Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and then a Curator of Antiquities of the Greek Archaeological Service.

Aegean Prehistoric Archaeology


This site contains information about the prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean. Through a series of lessons and illustrations, it traces the cultural evolution of humanity in the Aegean basin from the era of hunting and gathering (Palaeolithic-Mesolithic) through the early village farming stage (Neolithic) and the formative period of Aegean civilization into the age of the great palatial cultures of Minoan Crete and and Mycenaean Greece.

Mycé – L’interprétation du linéaire B


Dans les années 50, Michael Ventris a déchiffré l’écriture mycénienne appelée Linéaire B. L’espoir était grand de trouver, dans l’écriture sur ces tablettes en argile, d’importantes informations anthropologiques sur cette culture, matrice de la civilisation occidentale, qui a habité l’île de Crète ainsi que des citadelles mycéniennes du T.M.II jusqu’à la destruction du dernier niveau de la citadelle de Mycènes (de 1450 à 1100 ACN).

New Journal: Chronika


Chronika, a new interdisciplinary journal of European and Mediterranean archaeology, welcomes submissions (2,500-3000 words) from graduate students in departments of Anthropology, Classics, and Visual Studies/Art History at any university. Students are encouraged to submit online, and to join Chronika's parent organization, The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology.

Dikili Tash


Le site archéologique de Dikili Tash est principalement un site d’habitat préhistorique, occupé à l’époque néolithique (6400-4000 av. J.-C.) et à l’âge du Bronze (3000-1100 av. J.-C.). Il a également livré des vestiges de l’époque hellénistique et romaine.

The Three Peak Sanctuaries of Central Crete Project


Naturally, the major aim of the Three Peak Sanctuaries of Central Crete project is to publish the material discovered at the peak sanctuaries of Philioremos-Gonies, Keria-Kroussona and Pyrgos-Tylissos in central northern Crete. In order to achieve this, many years of post-excavation work have been dedicated to the three sites' pottery. As a result, sufficient information was gathered to allow the project to also begin a comparison of the three sites with one another.