Arm und Reich – Zur Ressourcenverteilung in prähistorischen Gesellschaften
Harald Meller, Hans Peter Hahn, Reinhard Jung & Roberto Risch (επιμέλεια)

Πόλη: Halle (Saale)
Έτος: 2016
Εκδότης: Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt
Σειρά: Tagungen des Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale) Band 14/II
Περιγραφή: Σκληρό εξώφυλλο, 2 τόμοι, 651 σ., πολυάριθμες α/μ και έγχρωμες εικόνες, σχέδια, χάρτες, 30×21,5
8. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 22. bis 24. Oktober 2015 in Halle (Saale)
The question of “Rich and Poor”, in other words of social inequality is, as shown by a glance at the newspapers, a highly topical issue. At the same time it is one of the fundamental questions of human communities. At least since the beginning of recorded history, social inequality which arises from the varying distribution of goods, is attested in astonishing stridency across all epochs. Right at the beginning of documented human history inequality and steep social hierarchies were the rule rather than the exception. Already the oldest recorded human myth – the Epic of Gilgamesh – shows that this condition was also seen as a fundamental social problem. Since then, numerous models have been developed to compensate for inequality without making it disappear. To this day it is to a greater or lesser degree still part of the reality of social life. An assessment of human history based solely on historical facts can always only reflect the mainstream of state conditioned images of history and concepts of life. Only the study of preliterate cultures by social and cultural anthropology and archaeology allows an extension and thus also a corrective to this state perspective which is astoundingly similar regardless of the respective systems. Hence, archaeological and anthropological documents provide a particularly suitable basis for the crucial issues: did the concept of “Rich and Poor” exist always and everywhere; Were or are certain power structures related to it?
Thankfully, numerous colleagues have followed the Call for Papers in 2015 and participated with a presentation or a poster in the 8th Archaeological Conference of Central Germany “Rich and Poor. Competing for resources in prehistory”. Fortunately, the collected essays can once again be presented as a publication within one year in time for the next congress meeting. It turns out that the methodology, the sources, and as a result the answers and problems of the various disciplines are naturally quite different. The notion of being able to provide answers to the questions identified in the last paragraph with this volume would thus be presumptuous. Instead, in this publication primarily an attempt is made to make aware the potential of archaeological and anthropological reports. A systematic consideration of the scientific insights presented here can, however, contribute to new and more comprehensive answers.
Band I
Vorwort der Herausgeber/Preface of the editors [11-14]
Der Austausch von Ressourcen und enge soziale Bindungen – Biologische Märkte bei freilebenden Schimpansen [19-26]
Roman M. Wittig
Why are we concerned with social inequality? [27-32]
Reinhard Jung & Roberto Risch
How did wealth turn into surplus profit? From affluence to »scarcity« in prehistoric economies [33-48]
Roberto Risch
Artefacts. houses, and inequality [49-60]
V. P. J. Arponen, Johannes Müller & René Ohlrau
Some thoughts on political differentiation in Early to Young Neolithic societies in western central Europe [61-75]
Detlef Gronenborn
Arm und Reich in der Urgeschichte: Methodische Überlegungen [77-84]
Philipp W. Stockhammer
Arm und Reich? Alternative Perspektiven auf Ressourcen und ihre Nutzung [85-100]
Martin Bartelheim, Roland Hardenberg & Anke K. Scholz
Auf der Suche nach den Armen. Warum Armut in den Kulturwissenschaften so oft unsichtbar bleibt [101-109]
Hans Peter Hahn
Arm und Reich aus der Sicht der soziologischen Ungleichheitsforschung [111-118]
Nicole Burzan
Das Ende der Armut und die Suche nach dem Glück – Betrachtungen zur Genese einer wirkungsmächtigen Vision [119-124]
Philipp Lepenies
»Arm« und »Reich«: Die Ausstattung der Toten in paläolithischen und mesolithischen Gräbern [127-146]
Judith M. Grünberg
The equality of inequality – Social differentiation among the hunter-fisher-gatherer community of Körtik Tepe, south-eastern Turkey [147-164]
Marion Benz, Vilmaz S. Erdal, Feridun Șahin, Vecihi Özkaya & Kurt W. Alt
One hause Iike another? – Access to water wells as an indicator of social inequality in the Linear and Stroke-Ornamented Pottery Cultures [165-180]
Rene Wollenweber
Thinking globally about early metallurgy – Resources, knowledge, and the acceleration of inequality [181-196]
Franccis Bertemes
„Arm und Reich“ in der Bronzezeit Europas [197-218]
Svend Hansen
Visible and invisible inequality: changing patterns of wealth consumption in Early and Middle Bronze Age Hungary [219-241]
János Dani, Klára P. Fischl, Gabriella Kulcsár, Vajk Szeverényi & Viktória Kiss
Reiche Bauern, arme Bauern – Zur sozialen Differenzierung in der älteren nordischen Bronzezeit [243-272]
Jan-Heinrich Bunnefeld
Zur Sozialstruktur der Kelten aus Sicht der Schriftquellen [273-279]
Helmut Birkhan
Band II
Die Ösenkopfnadel – Ein „Klassen“ verbindendes Trachtelement der Aunjetitzer Kultur. Ein Beitrag zu Kontext, Interpretation und Typochronologie der mitteldeutschen Exemplare [283-370]
Franziska Knoll & Harald Meller
Aunjetitzer Herrschaften in Mitteldeutschland – »Fürsten« der Frühbronzezeit und ihre Territorien (»Domänen«) [371-406]
Bernd Zich
Dieskau und Helmsdorf – Zwei frühbronzezeitliche Mikroregionen im Vergleich [407-425]
Juliane Filipp & Martin Freudenreich
Die Ösenkopfnadel – Ein neuer frühbronzezeitlicher »Fürstengrabhügel« bei Raßnitz, Saalekreis. Erster Vorbericht [427-466]
Harald Meller & Torsten Schunke
The development of centralised societies in Greater Mesopotamia and the foundation of economic inequality [469-490]
Marcella Frangipane
Social inequality, private accumulation of wealth, and new ideological values in late 3rd millennium BC Egypt [491-512]
Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia
Tavşan Adası – Reich durch Handel? Anzeichen von Wohlstand einer minoischen Hafensiedlung [513-529]
Katja Focke
Towards understanding the socio-political structures and social inequalities in western Anatolia during the Late Bronze Age [531-551]
Peter Pavúk & Magda Pieniążek
»Friede den Hütten, Krieg den Palästen!« – In the Bronze Age Aegean [553-577]
Reinhard Jung
Reich und arm: Weltsystemtheorie-Kontroversen in der früheisenzeitlichen Ägäis [579-597]
Stefanos Gimatzidis
Wertmesser, Finanzmanipulationen und die Geburt des Münzgeldes in der Antike [599-610]
Andreas E. Furtwängler
Roman villas and social differentiation [611-621]
Maria Teresa D’Alessio
Die Materialität der Macht -Drei Fallstudien zum awarischen Gold [623-636]
Falko Daim
Social inequality in the Early Middle Ages in Bohemia: written sources and archaeological record [637-651]
Nad’a Profantová
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