Best Practices of Geoinformatic Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes
Apostolos Sarris (επιμέλεια)

Πόλη: Oxford
Έτος: 2015
Εκδότης: Archaeopress
Περιγραφή: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 269 σ., πολυάριθμες έγχρωμες εικόνες, 29,8x21
Περίληψη (στα Αγγλικά)
Landscape archaeology is being transformed by the recent development of novel geoinformatic techniques that facilitate entirely new ways to study the archaeological record. Despite this stimulating potential, these techniques are developing so quickly that many practitioners are not fully aware of their capabilities or the most suitable ways to apply them. This volume presents state of the art research in the fields of geophysics, geochemistry, aerial imaging, dating, digital archaeology, GI5 and marine archaeology to provide a comprehensive overview of the specialised techniques which can contribute to landscape scale archaeological investigations. It is hoped that it will serve as a ‘best practice’ guide for their use and encourage their widespread adoption by the archaeological community.
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Preface [iii]
Kayt L. Armstrong & Tuna Kalayci, Images of the Past: Magnetic Prospection in Archaeology [1-11]
Meropi Manataki, Apostolos Sarris, Jamieson C. Donati, Carmen Cuenca Garcia & Tuna Kalayci, GPR: Theory and Practice in Archaeological Prospection [13-24]
Francois-Xavier Simon & Ian Moffat, Identification of Shapes and Uses of Past Landscapes through EMI Survey [25-33]
Pantelis Soupios, Seismic Geophysical Methods in Archaeological Prospection [35-43]
Ian Moffat, Locating Graves with Geophysics [45-53]
Gregory N. Tsokas, Panagiotis I. Tsourlos & Georgios Vargemezis, Exploring the Interior of Tumuli: Examples from Investigations in Macedonia and Thrace [55-62]
Kleanthis Simyrdanis, Nikos Papadopoulos & Theotokis Theodoulou, Off-Shore Archaeological Prospection Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography [63-69]
Tuna Kalayci, Data Integration in Archaeological Prospection [71-83]
Theotokis Theodoulou, Overview of Underwater Archaeological Research with Advanced Technologies in Greece [85-101]
Gianluca Cantoro, Aerial Reconnaissance in Archaeology – from Archives to Digital Photogrammetry [103-114]
Athos Agapiou, Dimitrios D. Alexakis, Apostolos Sarris & Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis, On the Use of Satellite Remote Sensing in Archeology [115-125]
Jamieson C. Donati, Cities and Satellites: Discovering Ancient Urban Landscapes through Remote Sensing Applications [127-136]
Sylviane Dederix, More Than Line of Sight and Least Cost Path. An Application of GIS to the Study of the Circular Tombs of South-Central Crete [137-147]
Lemonia Argyriou & Nikos S. Papadopoulos, Mixed Reality Applications, Innovative 3d Reconstruction Techniques & Gis Data Integration for Cultural Heritage [149-158]
Angelos Chliaoutakis & Georgios Chalkiadakis, Interpreting the Past through Agent-Based Modeling and GIS [159-169]
Athanasios Argyriou, Apostolos Sarris and Richard Teeuw, Geomorphometry, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Archaeological Risk Assessment [171-179]
Poulicos Prastacos & Eleni Gkadolou, Adding a Geographical Component in Cultural Heritage Databases [181-188]
Eleni Gkadolou & Emmanuel Stefanakis, Historical Maps on the Semantic Web [189-198]
Despina Kondopoulou and Eiina Aidona, Archaeomagnetic Method as a Dating Tool: Application to Greek Archaeological Sites from Prehistoric to Byzantine Periods [199-207]
Eleni Kokinou, Geoarchaeology: a Review in Techniques [209-217]
Carmen Cuenca-Garcia, Inorganic Geochemical Methods in Archaeological Prospection [219-229]
Georgia Karampatsouand & Theodoros Markopoulos, Mineralogical and Petrographic Techniques in Archaelogy [231-238]
Nikolaos A. Kazakis & Nestor C. Tsirliganis, Provenance of Ceramics: Methods and Practices [239-250]
Anno Hein & Vassilis Kilikoglou, Sustainable Data Management in the Study of Ancient Materials – Using the Example of Archaeological Ceramics [251-259]
A. Philippidis, P. Siozos, Z.E. Papliaka, K. Melessanaki, K. Hatzigiannakis, M. Vakondiou, G. Manganas, K. Diamanti, A. Giakoumaki & D. Anglos, Laser Tools in Archaeology and Conservation How Far Can We Get? [261-269]
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