Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΒΙΒΛΙΑ | 2013

30 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Building the Bronze Age. Architectural and Social Change on the Greek Mainland during Early Helladic III, Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I (2 vols)

Corien Wiersma

Building the Bronze Age. Architectural and Social Change on the Greek Mainland during Early Helladic III, Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I (2 vols)

Πόλη: Groningen

Έτος: 2013

Εκδότης: Η συγγραφέας

Περιγραφή: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 2 τόμοι, xxii & 565 σ., 1 έγχρωμη εικόνα, πολυάριθμες ασπρόμαυρα σχέδια, πίνακες, χάρτες, 29,7x21 εκ

Περίληψη (στα Αγγλικά)

The Early Helladic III (EH III) and Middle Helladic (MH) periods in Greece are assumed in the literature to be simple in terms of social organization and material remains. However, these periods have barely been the subject of detailed studies of social change. Domestic architecture and the level of the household in particular, have received little consideration. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyse EH III, MH and Late Helladic I (LH I) domestic architecture with reference to social organization and change. The LH I period was included as it is considered to form a historically coherent period with EH III and MH. In addition, it enables us to consider how a ‘simple’ society eventually developed into a society that was, apparently, socially differentiated. The objectives were threefold. First, reconstruct patterns of domestic architectural homogeneity and variety on a communal; local; and, if possible, regional scale. Secondly, reconstruct patterns of domestic architectural homogeneity, variety and change on a temporal scale. Thirdly, relate these patterns to social organization and change and explore whether functional or symbolic factors (or both) played a role in the development of domestic architecture.


Volume 1

Acknowledgements [xix]
Introduction [xx]
Topic and aim [xx]
Objectives [xx]
Justification [xx]
Chronological and geographical framework [xxi]
Outline of thesis [xxii]

Chapter 1. History of research [1]

1.1 Definitions of domestic architecture, houses and the household [1]
1.2 Research on EH III, MH and LH I domestic architecture [1]
1.3 Aspects of social organization [6]
1.4 Research on social change [7]
1.5 Research questions [14]

Chapter 2. Theory and Methodology [15]

2.1 Approaches to domestic architecture, houses and the household [15]
2.2 Domestic architecture: the (supra)regional perspective [17]
2.3 Domestic architecture: communities and their neighbours [17]
2.4 Domestic architecture: the community and the household [19]
2.5 Domestic architecture: the household perspective [20]
2.6 Methodology [22]

Chapter 3. EH III-LH I domestic architecture on the Greek Mainland [26]

3.1 Thessaly [26]
3.2 Phocis and Phthiotis [55]
3.3 Boeotia [66]
3.4 Euboea [80]
3.5 Attica [84]
3.6 The Corinthia [102]
3.7 Argolid [111]
3.8 Laconia [154]
3.9 Messenia [164]
3.10 Elis [174]
3.11 Arcadia [180]
3.12 Achaia [187]

Chapter 4. Architectural patterns and developments during EH III, MH and LH I [191]

4.1 EH III domestic architecture [191]
4.2 MH I-II domestic architecture [202]
4.3 MH III-LH I domestic architecture [212]
4.4 Summary: EH III-LH I architectural change [221]

Chapter 5. Discussion [222]

5.1 Domestic architecture: the (supra)regional perspective [222]
5.2 Domestic architecture: communities and their neighbours [226]
5.3 Domestic architecture: the community and the household [233]
5.4 Domestic architecture: the household perspective [238]
5.5 The function and meaning of domestic architecture in various social spheres: a summary [241]

Chapter 6. Conclusions EH III-LH I architectural and social change [243]

6.1 EH III: Simplification of domestic architecture and fragmentation of the social body [243]
6.2 MH I-II: Increasing complexity in domestic architecture and household cooperation [244]
6.3 MH III-LH I: Increasing architectural variation and economic complexity [245]
6.4 Suggestions for future research [246]

Lerna addendum [248]

Bibliography [250]

Summary [274]

Samenvatting [276]

Volume 2

Introduction to the catalogues [279]
Catalogue A Thessaly [280]
Catalogue B Phocis and Phthiotis [340]
Catalogue C Boeotia [362]
Catalogue D Euboea [394]
Catalogue E Attica [400]
Catalogue F Corinthia [432]
Catalogue G Argolid [440]
Catalogue H Laconia [528]
Catalogue J Messenia [534]
Catalogue K Elis [542]
Catalogue L Arcadia [550]
Catalogue M Achaia [560]


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