Cultures in Contact: From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C.
Joan Aruz, Sarah B. Graff & Yelena Rakic (επιμέλεια)

Πόλη: New York
Έτος: 2013
Εκδότης: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Σειρά: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Symposia
Περιγραφή: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 372 σ., 300 έγχρωμες εικόνες, 25,4x20 εκ.
Περίληψη (στα Αγγλικά)
In conjunction with the 2008–9 exhibition Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C. at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, a series of lectures brought together major international scholars in a variety of fields concerned with the worlds of the Near East and the eastern Mediterranean in the middle and late Bronze Ages. Interconnections among these rich and complex civilizations extending from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean were developed in detail, ranging from reports of new archaeological discoveries and insightful art historical interpretations of material culture, to innovative investigations of literary, historical, and political aspects of interactions among these great powers. This symposium volume, containing twenty-eight essays, is an ideal companion to the exhibition catalogue, providing compelling overviews of the ancient Near Eastern and eastern Mediterranean cultures during this period that are both broad and deep in their range.
Contributors to the Publication [vii]
Map of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean [viii]
Chronology [x]
Introduction (Joan Aruz) [xii]
Acknowledgments [xvii]
The First International Age
Glenn M. Schwartz, An Amorite Global Village: Syrian-Mesopotamian Relations in the Second Millennium B.C. [2-11]
Karen S. Rubinson, Actual Imports or Just Ideas? Investigations in Anatolia and the Caucasus [12-25]
Eric H. Cline, Aegean-Near East Relations in the Second Millennium B.C. [26-33]
Malcolm H. Wiener, Contacts: Crete, Egypt, and the Near East circa 2000 B.C. [34-45]
Maritime Trade
Cheryl Ward, Seafaring in Ancient Egypt: Cedar Ships, Incense, and Long-Distance Voyaging [46-53]
Yuval Goren, International Exchange during the Late Second Millennium B.C.: Microarcheological Study of Finds from the Uluburun Ship [54-61]
George F. Bass, Cape Gelidonya Redux [62-73]
Interpreting the Archaeological Evidence
Michel Al-Maqdissi, From Tell Sianu to Qatna: Some Common Features of Inland Syrian and Levantine Cities in the Second Millennium B.C. Material for the Study of the City in Syria (Part Three) Matériel pour l’étude de la ville en Syrie (troisième partie) [74-83]
Giorgio Buccellati, When Were the Hurrians Hurrian? The Persistence of Ethnicity in Urkesh [84-95]
Paolo Matthiae, Ebla: Recent Excavation Results and the Continuity of Syrian Art [96-111]
Peter Pfälzner, The Elephant Hunters of Bronze Age Syria [112-131]
Claude Doumet-Serhal, Tracing Sidon’s Mediterranean Networks in the Second Millennium B.C.: Receiving, Transmitting, and Assimilating. Twelve Years of British Museum Excavations [132-141]
K. Aslihan Yener, Recent Excavations at Alalakh: Throne Embellishments in Middle Bronze Age Level VII [142-155]
Art and Interaction: Wall Paintings
Janice Kamrin, The Procession of “Asiatics” at Beni Hasan [156-169]
Robert B. Koehl, The Near Eastern Contribution to Aegean Wall Painting and Vice Versa [170-179]
Christos G. Doumas, Akrotiri, Thera: Reflections from the East [180-187]
Manfred Bietak, The Impact of Minoan Art on Egypt and the Levant: A Glimpse of Palatial Art from the Naval Base of Peru-nefer at Avaris [188-199]
Peter Pfälzner, The Qatna Wall Paintings and the Formation of Aegeo-Syrian Art [200-215]
Art and Interaction: Furnishings and Adornment
Joan Aruz, Seals and the Imagery of Interaction [216-225]
Annie Caubet, Of Banquets, Horses, and Women in Late Bronze Age Ugarit [226-237]
Robert B. Koehl, Bibru and Rhyton: Zoomorphic Vessels in the Near East and Aegean [238-247]
Marian H. Feldman, The Art of Ivory Carving in the Second Millennium B.C. [248-257]
Kim Benzel, Ornaments of Interaction: Jewelry in the Late Bronze Age [258-267]
Christine Lilyquist, Remarks on Internationalism: The Non-Textual Data [268-275]
Literary Evidence for Interaction
Marc Van De Mieroop, Beyond Babylonian Literature [276-283]
Gary Beckman, Under the Spell of Babylon: Mesopotamian Influence on the Religion of the Hittites [284-297]
Beate Pongratz-Leisten, From Pictograph to Pictogram: The Solarization of Kingship in Syro-Anatolia and Assyria [298-311]
Closing Remarks
Jack M. Sasson, “Beyond Babylon”: Closing Remarks [312-319]
Bibliography [320]
Photograph and Illustration Credits [353]
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