Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΒΙΒΛΙΑ | 2010

15 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Scribi e Pastori. Amministrazione e gestione dell’allevamento nell’archivio di Cnosso

Alessandro Greco

Scribi e Pastori. Amministrazione e gestione dell’allevamento nell’archivio di Cnosso

Πόλη: Aθήνα/Padova

Έτος: 2010

Εκδότης: Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene

Σειρά: Tripodes 12

Περιγραφή: Σκληρό εξώφυλλο, 735 σελ., ασπρόμαυρες εικόνες, 24,5x17,5 εκ.

Περίληψη (στα Aγγλικά)

The volume “Scribi e Pastori” represents a systematic study of the D-class tablets from the Knossos Linear B archive (ca. 1,000 tablets and fragments). As it is well known, the D-class includes several sets of documents dealing with the administration of the sheep flocks of the palace (more than 100,000 sheep). In the “Preliminary Remarks” (pp. 1-24) there is a full discussion of the methodological problems related to the definition of sedentary pastoralism, transhumance, nomadism and semi-nomadism. The methodological discussion represents the framework for the analysis of Cretan pastoralism, with a particular attention to Minoan and Mycenaean age. In the “Introduction” (pp. 25-69) the history of the scholarly research about the Mycenaean documents dealing with on husbandry is thoroughly investigated. A general overview of the Linear B tablets of the D-class is also included, focusing on its main exegetic problems. Special attention is given to the “collectors” question, to the chronology of the Knossos archives, and to the original organization of the D-class tablets.

The core of the last topic is developed in Chapter One (pp. 71-90). Here, a philological, epigraphic and paleographic study of the original organization and file system of the part of the D-class written by scribe H 117 (the Da-Dg, Dm, Dn & Dv series) is performed. The main conclusion is that originally the Da-Dg & Dv series were not organized by typology of sheep flocks (as they were edited in Knossos Tablets V), but according to a rigorous topographic principle so that various sets (a ku-ta-to set, a pa-i-to set, etc,) can be recognised instead of the canonic organization by series (Da, Db, Dc series, etc.). On the contrary, the filing system used for recording the Dk, Dl, Do, Dq and D series can be considered as a mixed system, which followed a complex criterion, based on topography and on the presence of the so-called “collectors”. Chapter Two (pp. 91-401) deals with the records written by scribe H 117, series Da-Dg, Dm, Dn & Dv (ca. 600 tablets), which is totally re-organised on a topographic base. The sets formed a new consist of all the tablets which record a particular toponym. The Comik drawings are reproduced for each tablet, and the complete sequence of tablets forming the toponymic set is re-composed. A comment and an up-dated transcription and of the tablets according to the new editions, is also provided. The findspot, the paleographic and epigraphic notes, the scribal formula, the prosopography of the shepherd and of the collector, the check-marks, and a complete statistic and quantitive evaluation is provided for each topographic set, and for each tablet forming it. Following the same methodological framework, Chapter Three (pp. 425-507) deals with the tablets assigned to series Dh, Dk(1), Dl, Do, Dq, and D. Here, the canonic organization by series is maintained.

Chapter Four (pp. 509-654) is an attempt at providing a wide and exhaustive analysis of the husbandry administrative system of Knossos. The main topics are: the analysis of the bureaucratic process of recording; the analysis of the several kinds of young animals recorded on the tablets, such as ki, ki ne, pe, za, WE, etc. (with a comparison with the ethnographic studies on pre-modern techniques of sheep husbandry). A chapter section is dedicated to the palatial personnel involved in the palatial husbandry industry, like scribes, shepherds and collectors. Each topic pro-vides a comparative section dedicated to the Near Eastern documents dealing with sheep husbandry. Examples are taken from the Near Eastern archives of Drehem and Girsu (3rd mil. B.C.), of Nuzi and Ugarit (2nd mil. B.C.) and from Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid archives (1st mil. B.C.); a comparison between Mycenaean and Near Eastern technical terminology on sheep and lambs is also supplied.


Presentazione di Anna Sacconi

Prefazione [I]

Premessa [1]

1. Pastoralismo transumante, stanziale e domestico [2]

2. Cenni di una storia del pastoralismo cretese [9]

3. Grande transumanza a Creta in epoca micenea? [21]

INTRODUZIONE: status quaestionis e linee critiche

1. La serie D di Cnosso: una visione d’insieme [25]

2. Storia della ricerca: le principali linee interpretative [32]

3. Alcune problematiche [42]

CAPITOLO I. Gruppo Dagv: linee per una proposta di ordinamento per toponimo

1. Struttura topografica del gruppo Dagv [71]

2. Divisione per collettore [78]

3. Divisione per aggettivo? [82]

4. Alcune conclusioni [83]

CAPITOLO II. La serie Dagv

Premessa [91]

1. La sequenza dei toponimi [91]

2. La struttura interna dei sets toponimici [93]

3. Il tipo di animali [94]

4. Abbreviazioni e convenzioni [94], ku-ta-to [101], pa-i-to [145], da-wo [163], e-ko-so [177], su-ki-ri-ta [195], da-*22-to [201], *56-ko-we [213], e-ra [223], ra-ja [235], pu-na-so [243], do-ti-ja [249], ra-su-to [261], ri-jo-no [269], ra-to [277], tu-ni-ja [287], ti-ri-to [295], qa-ra [307], su-ri-mo [319], u-ta-no [331], qa-mo [337], ru-ki-to [343], pu-so [355], a-ka [361], tu-ri-so [367], da-ra-ko [371], qa-na-no-to [377], di-ro [383], Toponimi rari [387], La serie Dm [395]

CAPITOLO III. il gruppo Dk(1)-D, Serie Dh [403], Serie Dk(1) [407], Serie Dl [425], Serie Do − se-to-i-ja [473], Serie Dq [485], Serie D [495]

CAPITOLO IV. conclusioni

1. La documentazione [509]

1.1 La natura e la struttura dei gruppi documentari Dagv e Dk(1)-d 509

1.2 Depositi e diacronia [513]

1.3 Archivi tra sincronia e diacronia [529]

1.4 Cronologia relativa [534]

2. Gli animali [537]

2.1 ki [539]

2.1.1 o ki ovism ed o ovism, [550]

2.2 ‘ki’ne e ‘ne’ki [557]

2.3 pe e ki pe [557]

2.4 we [559]

2.5 ki za [562]

2.6 ne [563]

2.7 pa ovism [564]

2.8 ki-ri-jo-te [565]

2.9 Alcune considerazioni [566]

2.10 La terminologia legata agli ovini nel vicino oriente [568]

2.11 Proposta per un quadro generale [573]

3. Il lavoro degli scribi [576]

3.1 L’elaborazione dei documenti [576]

3.2 Le doppie redazioni [586]

3.3 Alcune possibili conclusioni [594]

4. Il personale [598]

4.1 I pastori [598]

4.2 I collettori impegnati nella gestione dell’allevamento [629]

5. Una corvée di palazzo [644]

Epilogo [652]

Bibliografia [655]

Concordanze [691]


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