Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΒΙΒΛΙΑ | 2011

17 Μαΐου 2012

The ”Dark Ages” Revisited. Acts of an international symposium in memory of William D.E. Coulson, University of Thessaly, Volos, 14-17 June 2007 (2 volumes)

Alexander Mazarakis Ainian (επιμέλεια)

The ”Dark Ages” Revisited. Acts of an international symposium in memory of William D.E. Coulson, University of Thessaly, Volos, 14-17 June 2007 (2 volumes)

Πόλη: Βόλος

Έτος: 2011

Εκδότης: Πανεπιστημιακές εκδόσεις Θεσσαλίας

Περιγραφή: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 1105 σ. (τόμος. I: 1-550, τόμος II: 551-1105), ασπρόμαυρες εικόνες, σχέδια, χάρτες, 27,7x20,7 εκ.

Περίληψη (στα Αγγλικά)

More than fifteen years ago, W.D.E. Coulson published a paper titled The Greek Dark Ages. A review of the evidence and suggestions for future research (Athens 1990). There, he posed a series of questions related to some of the major research problems regarding the Greek “Dark Ages” which he deemed, in a wider sense, as the period spanning roughly 1125-700 B.C. These questions were either Archaeological in nature, such as the nature and transition from LΗ (or LM) IIIC to Early PG, the existence or not of the Dorians, the development of architectural forms and materials, or Environmental, such as the state of the environment, land use practices, health, diet, and in general how man used natural resources during the Early Iron Age. In the process of pursuing well planned excavations with the goal of constructing a complete picture of a given settlement, he emphasized the urgent need for the re-examination of old excavation data and, especially, the need for new publications. He also underlined the importance of ethnography in the understanding of the society and the environment of the Early Iron Age.

Today, much progress has been made through excavations, surveys, various studies, symposia, and publications towards understanding the period between the end of the Late Bronze Age and the rise of the “polis”. Thus, the aim of this meeting was twofold: To address these issues and other related topics through papers spanning multiple disciplines, and to present the results of new significant excavations, to present unpublished material deriving from old excavations, to discuss and assess the importance of new finds of the period between the end of the Bronze Age and the early 7th c. B.C., and to discuss old and new ideas and theories about Early Iron Age Greece.



Preface [13-14]

Abbreviations of terms [15-16]

Abbreviations of periodicals [17-18]

Thomas M. Brogan, ‘Retracing the footsteps of an Iron Age Philhellene: a Biography of William D.E. Coulson’ [19-29]


 Anna Philippa-Touchais, ‘«Cycles of collapse in Greek Prehistory»: reassessing social change at the beginning of the Middle Helladic and the Early Iron Age’ [31-44]

James Muhly, ‘Archaic and Classical Greece would not have been the same without the Dark Ages’ [45-53]

Saro Wallace, ‘Formative landscapes: Regional experiences of the Aegean collapse ca.1200 BC and their long-term impact’ [55-72]

Marek Węcowski, ‘On the Historicity of the “Homeric World”: Some methodological Considerations’ [73-81]

Jan Paul Crielaard, ‘The ‘Wanax to Basileus model’ reconsidered: authority and ideology after the collapse of the Mycenaean palaces’ [83-111]


Catherine Morgan, ‘The elite of Aetos: religion and power in Early Iron Age Ithaka’ [113-125]

Ioannis A .Papapostolou, ‘The new excavations under the Early Archaic temple of Thermos: Megaron A, Megaron B and the ash-altar’ [127-145]

Antonia Livieratou, ‘Regional cult systems in the transitional period from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age: Comparing the evidence from two different parts of mainland Greece, the Argolid plain and the East Phokis’ [147-164]

Alexander Mazarakis Ainian & Alexandra Alexandridou, ‘The so-called “Sacred House” of the Academy revisited’ [165-189]

Ερωφίλη Κόλια & Αναστασία Γκαδόλου, ‘Ναός Γεωμετρικών χρόνων στα Νικολαίϊκα Αχαΐας: Πρώτη Παρουσίαση της Ανασκαφής’ [191-209]

†Berit Wells, ‘Kalaureia in the Early Iron Age: Evidence of early cult’ [211-220]

Lesley A. Beaumont, ‘Chios in the “Dark Ages”: New evidence from Kato Phana’ [221-231]

Olga Zolotnikova, ‘The evidence for the worship and perception of Zeus during the late Prehistoric-early Historic periods’ [233-246]


Alexandros Gounaris, ‘Pastoral structures: The encounter of Early Iron Age Archaeology with Ethnography in mainland Greece’ [247-265]

Ελένη Βασιλείου, ‘H μετάβαση από τη Χαλκοκρατία στην Εποχή του Σιδήρου στην Ήπειρο: Τα δεδομένα από τον οικισμό της Κρύας στο Λεκανοπέδιο των Ιωαννίνων’ [267-277]

Γεωργία Καραμήτρου-Μεντεσίδη, ‘H Aιανή στην Εποχή του Σιδήρου’ [279-391]

Vassiliki Adrimi-Sismani, ‘Habitation changes in the eastern coastal Thessaly following the destruction of the palaces at the and of LH IIIB2’ [313-329]

Aleydis Van de Moortel & Eleni Zahou, ‘The Bronze Age-Iron Age transition at Mitrou in East Lokris: Evidence for continuity and discontinuity’ [331-347]

Jean-Marc Luce, ‘La Phocide à l’âge du Fer’ [349-374]

Arianna Rizio, ‘L’assetto topografico degli insediamenti in Acaia tra periodo miceneo e submiceneo’ [375-382]

Lisa Mallen, ‘Gendering Space in Dark Age Nichoria’ [383-397]


Nota Kourou, ‘From the Dark Ages to the Rise of the Polis in the Cyclades: the case of Tenos’ [399-414]

Πέγκυ Πάντου & Δανάη Δίτσα, ‘Η Κίμωλος των Πρώιμων Ιστορικών Χρόνων. Στοιχεία και προβληματισμοί’ [415-433]


Krzysztof Nowicki, ‘Settlement in crisis: The end of the LM/LH IIIB and early IIIC in Crete and other south Aegean islands’ [435-450]

Kevin T. Glowacki  & Nancy L. Klein, ‘The analysis of “Dark Age” domestic architecture: the LM IIIC settlement at Kavousi Vronda’ [451-462]

Metaxia Tsipopoulou, ‘Living at Halasmenos, Ierapetra, in Late Minoan IIIC. House A.1’ [463-476]

Margaret S. Mook, ‘The settlement on the Kastro at Kavousi in the Late Geometric period’ [477-488]

Dimitra Rousioti & Gregory Stournaras, ‘The urban development in Crete at the end of the Bronze Age: Settlements with shrines’ [489-502]

Emanuela Santaniello, ‘Gortyn in the Dark Age: A new interpretation of the evidence from the Haghios Ioannis hill’ [503-513]

Donald C. Haggis  & Margaret S. Mook, ‘The Early Iron Age-Archaic transition at Azoria in Eastern Crete’ [515-527]


Maria Costanza Lentini, ‘Sicilian Naxos: Evidence from the Early Iron Age’ [529-540]

Henri Tréziny, ‘Aux origines de Mégara Hyblaea’ [541-550]




Maia Pomadere, ‘Un « Héritier choyé d’innombrables biens » (Il. IX, 482): Les enfants de l’élite sociale au début de l’âge du fer’ [569-577]

Αναστασία Χρυσοστόμου, ‘Αρχαία Αλμωπία. Τα νεκροταφεία των τύμβων’ [579-593]

Ανθή Ευσταθίου-Μπάτζιου, ‘Θολωτός τάφος Πυράσου’ [595-608]

Ζωή Μαλακασιώτη & Φωτεινή Tσιούκα, ‘Ζητήματα ταφικών πρακτικών στα νεκροταφεία της Εποχής του Σιδήρου στην περιοχή της αρχαίας Άλου, θέση «Βουλοκαλύβα»’ [609-625]

Ioannis Georganas, ‘The transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age in Thessaly: Some thoughts ‘ [627-633]

Irene S. Lemos & David Mitchell, ‘Elite burials in Early Iron Age Aegean. Some preliminary observations considering the spatial organization of the Toumba cemetery at Lefkandi’ [635-644]

Anna Maria D’Onofrio, ‘Athenian burials with weapons: The Athenian warrior graves revisited’  [645-673]

Δημήτριος Σκιλάρντι, ‘Αριστοκρατικές Ταφές από το Γεωμετρικό νεκροταφείο της Κηφισιάς’ [675-702]

Alexander Mazarakis Ainian, ‘A necropolis of the Geometric period at Marathon. The context’ [703-716]

E. Pappi & S. Triantaphyllou, ‘Mortuary practices and the human remains: a preliminary study of the Geometric graves in Argos, Argolid’ [717-732]

Φωτεινή Ζαφειροπούλου, ‘Νέα στοιχεία από τη Γεωμετρική Νάξο. Το Νεκροταφείο στη θέση Πλίθος της Χώρας’ [733-743]

Leslie Preston Day, ‘Appropriating the past: Early Iron Age mortuary practices at Kavousi, Crete’ [745-757]

Nicholaos Chr. Stampolidis, ‘LUX CRETENSIS: A Cretan contribution to the revision of the so-called Dark Ages’ [759-768]

Φωτεινή Ζερβάκη, ‘Νεκροταφείο της ΥΕ ΙΙΙ Γ-Υπομυκηναϊκής περιόδου στην Αγία Αγάθη της Ρόδου’ [769-784]

Oliver Mariaud, ‘The Geometric graves of Colophon and the burial customs of Early Iron Age Ionia’ [785-799]

†J.N. Coldstream, ‘Geometric Elephantiasis’ [801-807]

Vicky Vlachou, ‘A group of Geometric vases from Marathon: Attic style and local originality’ [809-829]

Xenia Charalambidou, ‘Developments in Euboea and Oropos at the end of the “Dark Ages” (ca. 700 to the mid-seventh century BC)’ [831-855]

Béatrice Blandin, ‘Amarynthos au début de l’âge du fer: Les trouvailles de la propriété M. Patavalis’ [857-872]

Αθανασία Ψάλτη, ‘Νέος εικονιστικός κρατήρας από τη Γεωμετρική Ερέτρια: Ο κρατήρας των μελαίνων Ιππων’ [873-890]

Anne Kenzelmann Pfyffer & Samuel Verdan, ‘Vaisselle domestique, vaisselle de sanctuaire? Deux exemples érétriens’ [891-903]

Jean-Sebastian Gros, ‘Pour une typolochronologie de la céramique commune en Grèce centrale’ [905-911]

Beatrice McLoughlin, ‘The pithos makers at Zagora: Ceramic technology and function in an agricultural settlement context’ [913-928]

Karl Reber, ‘Céramique eubéenne à Naxos au début de l’âge du fer’ [929-942]

Antonis Kotsonas, ‘Ceramic variability and drinking habits in Iron Age Crete’ [943-955]

Stefanos Gimatzidis, ‘The Northwest Aegean in the Early Iron Age’ [957-970]

Eva Simantoni-Bournia, ‘Multi-storeyed vases of the Geometric period’ [971-981]

Jan Bouzek, ‘The iconography of the “Dark Age”: From LH IIIC to Geometric: Continuity and changes’ [983-1001]

Γιάννης Nάκας, ‘Νῆες μέλαιναν. Πλοία και ναυπηγική στο Αιγαίο της πρώιμης Εποχής του Σιδήρου’ [1003-1017]

Geraldine Gesell, ‘The handmade terracotta animal figurines at the end of the Late Bronze Age and in the Early Iron Age in Crete: Chronology, technology and function’ [1019-1026]

Μαριωάννα Λουκά, ‘Κόσμηση Θεσσαλική: Από τους Σκοτεινούς Αιώνες στην αυγή της «πόλεως»’ [1027-1037]


Tatiana Theodoropoulou, ‘Fishing in Dark Waters: A review of the archaeological and archaeozoological evidence of the exploitation of aquatic resources in the Greek Early Iron Age’ [1039-1057]

Katerina Trantalidou, ‘Animal remains related to sacred areas on the Cycladic islands Amorgos and Tenos, during the Geometric period: Two distinct examples bearing evidence of sacrificial rites and bone working activities’ [1059-1105]


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