Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΒΙΒΛΙΑ | 2018

Pottery Technologies and Sociocultural Connections between the Aegean and Anatolia during the 3rd Millenium BC

Wien 2018

Pottery Technologies and Sociocultural Connections between the Aegean and Anatolia during the 3rd Millenium BC Today archaeometric approaches to pottery are commonly utilised in Aegean Bronze Age archaeology. Pottery experts in the Aegean are now able to use various methods based on a well-established scientific framework and comparable data. This state-of-the-art interdisciplinary approach to Aegean ceramics produces a large amount of new and complex data, used by specialists and non-specialists for interpretations about socio-cultural phenomena.

Archaeology across Frontiers and Borderlands. Fragmentation and Connectivity in the North Aegean and the Central Balkans from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age

Wien 2018

Archaeology across Frontiers and Borderlands. Fragmentation and Connectivity in the North Aegean and the Central Balkans from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age The objective of this volume is a theoretical debate on the archaeology at the crossroads of the Balkans, the Aegean and Anatolia and its interrelation with social and political life in this historically turbulent region. Modern political borders still divide European archaeology and intercept research.

Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Πελοπόννησο (ΑΕΠΕΛ1), Πρακτικά του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου, Τρίπολη, 7-11 Νοεμβρίου 2012

Καλαμάτα 2018

Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Πελοπόννησο (ΑΕΠΕΛ1), Πρακτικά του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου, Τρίπολη, 7-11 Νοεμβρίου 2012 Το Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Πελοπόννησο» (ΑΕΠΕΛ1), που διοργάνωσαν από κοινού το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και το Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου (Τμήμα Ιστορίας, Αρχαιολογίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών – Τμήμα Ι.Α.Δ.Π.Α), πραγματοποιήθηκε με επιτυχία στην Τρίπολη στις 7-11 Νοεμβρίου 2012.

Seals, Sealings and Seal Impressions from Akrotiri in Thera

Heidelberg 2018

Seals, Sealings and Seal Impressions from Akrotiri in Thera The monograph contains the primary publication of the seals (S1–S16), sealings (N1–N75) and stamped objects (I1–I3) retrieved at the Bronze Age site of Akrotiri in Thera. Their contexts date from the MC A period, which corresponds roughly to the Cretan MM I period (at the turn of the third to the second millennium BC), until the final volcanic destruction phase that occurred at a mature phase of LC/LM IA (1623/1530 BC).

The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras. People, material remains and culture in context

Oxford 2018

The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras. People, material remains and culture in context The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras: People, material remains and culture in context' comprises the study of the finds from the excavation of the Mycenaean cemetery of Clauss near Patras, carried out by the University of Ioannina and the Archaeological Society at Athens from 1988 to 1992, under the direction of Professor Thanassis Papadopoulos.

Practices of Personal Adornment in Neolithic Greece

Oxford 2018

Practices of Personal Adornment in Neolithic Greece Στόχος του βιβλίου είναι η επανεξέταση των πρακτικών προσωπικής κόσμησης κατά τη νεολιθική περίοδο στην Ελλάδα μέσω της επανεκτίμησης των διαθέσιμων στοιχείων που προέρχονται από περισσότερες από εκατό ανεσκαμμένες νεολιθικές θέσεις, καθώς και η λεπτομερειακή μελέτη του corpus κοσμημάτων που προέρχονται από τη λιμναία θέση της Μέσης-Νεότερης Νεολιθικής περιόδου στο Δισπηλιό Καστοριάς.

Αρχαιολογική Θεωρία. Μια εισαγωγή

Αθήνα 2018

Αρχαιολογική Θεωρία. Μια εισαγωγή Δεν υπάρχει πράξη χωρίς θεωρία. Δεν υφίσταται δυνατότητα κατανόησης μιας κοινωνίας, χωρίς ένα ουσιαστικό θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο. Ακούγοντας και διαβάζοντας καθημερινά κάθε είδους αποφάν­σεις περί της κοινωνίας, συχνά δεν υποψιαζόμαστε ότι η θεωρητική μελέτη της δεν είναι μόνο μια «εμπειροτεχνική» ενασχόληση, αλλά και μια εξειδικευμένη επιστημονική δραστηριότητα.

The Athenian Agora. The Early Iron Age. The Cemeteries

Princeton-New Jersey 2018

The Athenian Agora. The Early Iron Age. The Cemeteries This volume, the first of two dealing with the Early Iron Age deposits from the Athenian Agora, publishes the tombs from the end of the Bronze Age through the transition from the Middle Geometric to Late Geometric period. An introduction deals with the layout of the four cemeteries of the period, the topographical ramifications, periodization, and a synthesis of Athens in the Early Iron Age.

From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Archaeology

Oxford-Philadelphia 2018

From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Archaeology From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Archaeology provides a range of new approaches to key issues in Minoan archaeology, inspired by Professor Keith Branigan’s long-standing contribution to the archaeology of Bronze Age Crete.

me-ka-ro-de. Mykenische Paläste als Dokument und Gestaltungsrahmen frühgeschichtlicher Sozialordung

Bonn 2018

me-ka-ro-de. Mykenische Paläste als Dokument und Gestaltungsrahmen frühgeschichtlicher Sozialordung Although architecture provides a decisive frame-work for many forms of social interaction, thus preconfiguring them, and simultaneously represents an expression and hence a product of social conventions, few connections have thus far been made between the scholarly study of architecture and the social history of Mycenaean Greece. The present study attempts to fill this research gap with respect to the palace complexes of the Peloponnese.

The Marble Finds from Kavos and the Archaeology of Ritual

Cambridge 2018

The Marble Finds from Kavos and the Archaeology of Ritual The status of Kavos on Keros as the earliest maritime sanctuary in the world is documented by the present volume, which includes (in Part A) the full publication of the marble finds from the Special Deposit South at Keros. These constitute the largest assemblage of Early Cycladic sculptures and vessels ever recovered in a controlled excavation, although they were all found in fragmentary condition.

The Zooarchaeology of the Late Neolithic Strymon River Valley. The case of the Greek sector of Promachon–Topolniča in Macedo-nia, Greece

Οξφόρδη 2018

The Zooarchaeology of the Late Neolithic Strymon River Valley. The case of the Greek sector of Promachon–Topolniča in Macedo-nia, Greece Excavations on the border between Greece (sector Promachon) and Bulgaria (sector Topolniča) in the basin of the river Strymonas, in Macedonia northern Greece, have revealed a ‘flat-extended’ settlement dating to the Late Neolithic. In addition to the rich array of material culture evidence, the excavation yielded a substantial quantity of animal bones, thus offering an unparalleled opportunity to study the human-animal relationships.