Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2014

24 Ιανουαρίου 2015

The palaeographic evolution of the Kairatos drainage basin and its coastal plain during the Holocenee

Galanidou N., Gaki-Papanastasiou K., Karymbalis E, Maroukian H., Koskeridou E. & Giangas C. Κρητικά Χρονικά 34 (2014), 97-122

Από την εισαγωγή (στα Αγγλικά)

The Kairatos drainage basin, the modern Katsabanos, and its coastal plain in north-central Crete have yielded abundant archaeological evidence for human settlement and activity spanning the greater part of the Holocene. In c. 7000 BC this basin induced the island’s first settlers to make a permanent camp at Knossos. The small camp grew into a larger village and developed further in size and importance throughout the Neolithic, offering an unparalleled archaeological archive of the island’s early farming communities. In c. 5500 BC, a small group of people from Knossos moved closer to the coast, on the west bank of the Kairatos, at Katsambas. They settled in a small hamlet both on the summit and at the foot of the Katsambas limestone hill; they buried their dead in the karstic cavities on the hillcrest.


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