Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2010

L’identité de l’e-qe-ta du cadastre de pa-ki-ja-ne

Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 82:1 (2008 [2010]): 63-69.

Les tablettes Ed 847 et Ep 539.10-12 de Pylos enregistrent respectivement le total des o-na-ta des e-qe-si-jo do-e-ro /hekwesioi doheloi/ « esclaves de l’e-qe-ta » et les o-na-ta de ke-ke-me-na ko-to-na de trois personnages appelés e-ni-to-wo, to-wa-te-u et wi-dwo-i-jo et caractérisés par l’appellatif d’a-pi-mede-o do-e-ro /Amphimēdehos doheloi/ « esclaves d’Amphimēdēs».

Liatovouni: A Molossian Cemetery and Settlement in Epirus

Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 125 (2010): 1-88.

This paper presents an overview of recent discoveries at Liatovouni, a Molossian site in the valley of Konitsa in Epirus. The cemetery comprises 103 tombs dating from the 13th or 12th century through the late 5th or earlier 4th century BC. Special attention is given to the earliest burial, a well-armed male of the late Mycenaean period.

The Trojan War: history or bricolage?

Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 53:2 (December 2010): 1-18.

The Trojan War motif, which forms the essential background to the Iliad and the Odyssey and also to many other Greek epics (such as those which form part of the so-called Epic Cycle, numerous literary epics, as well as Attic tragedy and much historical literature), has loomed largely and more or less continuously for something like two and a half thousand years.

Lathyrus consumption in late Bronze and Iron age sites in Israel: an Aegean affinity

Journal of Archaeological Science 37:10 (October 2010): 2477-2485.

This paper presents new evidence, together with previous findings, for the appearance of charred seeds of Lathyrus sativus (grass pea)/Lathyrus cicera. This grain legume was a food staple in ancient times, principally in the Aegean region, but also appeared sporadically and in a limited way in the archaeological record of the southern Levant. It is encountered there first in the Late Bronze Age but disappears in the record at the end of the Iron Age.

Shell ornaments from the Upper Paleolithic through Mesolithic layers of Klissoura Cave 1 by Prosymna (Peloponnese, Greece)

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 287-308.

More than 1500 shell ornaments were recovered during the excavations of the early Upper Paleolithic through Mesolithic layers of Klissoura Cave I. The ornament assemblages from the middle and lower Aurignacian and the earliest Upper Paleolithic (Uluzzian) layers associate with well preserved hearths and other intact cultural features.

Klissoura Cave 1 and the Upper Paleolithic of Southern Greece in cultural and ecological context

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 309-321.

Klissoura Cave 1 preserves a long series of Middle Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic cultural layers, interrupted by at least three significant erosional hiatuses. The sedimentary features, artifacts and animal remains of the Upper Paleolithic though Mesolithic layers testify a wide range of on-site activities, with complex cycles of feature construction and abandonment.

Upper Palaeolithic human occupations and material culture at Klissoura Cave 1

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 133-285.

This paper provides the detailed description of the archaeological assemblages retrieved from the sequence of Upper Palaeolithic layers at Klissoura Cave. Layer V (sequence F) furnished the Early Upper Palaeolithic cultural remains dated to about 40 and >33 kyrs (uncalibrated) BP, ascribed to the Uluzzian; the techno-morphological structure of this assemblage is similar to the central Italian Evolved Uluzzian.

Introduction to the Aegean pre-alphabetic scripts

Kubaba 1 (2010): 38-61.

This paper presents an introduction to the family of five syllabic scripts used in the Aegean and Cyprus before the introduction of the Greek alphabet: Cretan Hieroglyphic, Linear A, Cypro-Minoan, Linear B, and the Cypriot Syllabary.

Upper Palaeolithic animal exploitation at Klissoura Cave 1 in southern Greece: dietary trends and mammal taphonomy

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 107-132.

The faunal remains from the Upper Paleolithic (UP) through Mesolithic layers at Klissoura Cave 1 (Prosymna) in Peloponnese, Greece, were examined to understand changes in hominid diets over the course of the sequence, as well as the human and non-human taphonomic processes that affected the assemblages.

The birds of Klissoura Cave 1: a window into the Upper Palaeolithic Greece

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 91-106.

The paper analyzes avian remains from Klissoura Cave 1, southern Greece. Of the 1835 remains representing at least 17 taxa, two species were particularly numerous - the rock partridge Alectoris graeca and the great bustard Otis tarda. One species, the eagle owl Bubo bubo is reported for the first time in fossil state from Greece.

Plant material from the Klissoura Cave 1 in Greece

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 87-90.

This paper presents the results of the investigation of the macroscopic plant remains (seeds and fruit) from the Upper Palaeolithic deposits at Klissoura Cave 1. A total of 115 samples were examined. Seeds and fruit were presents in 37 samples. The quantitative and qualitative composition of individual samples, preserved on the site, is very poor.

Hearths and plant uses during the Upper Palaeolithic period at Klissoura Cave 1 (Greece): the results from phytolith analyses

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 71-85.

The excavations of the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic layers at Klissoura Cave 1 (Peloponnese, Greece), facilitated the investigations of phytolith samples from sediments and hearths dated to the Upper Palaeolithic period. The study resulted in the reconstruction of the palaeo-landscape, the vegetation as well as the use of fire by the inhabitants of the cave.

Wood charcoal analysis at Klissoura Cave 1 (Prosymna, Peloponnese): the Upper Palaeolithic vegetation

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 47-69.

Excavations at Klissoura Cave 1 revealed a long chrono-cultural sequence of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic deposits. Wood charcoal samples from the Upper Palaeolithic layers and hearths were analyzed aiming to approach the late Middle Pleniglacial and Lateglacial vegetation of the area under study and to reveal aspects of the use of firewood by the inhabitants of the cave.

Radiocarbon dating results for the Early Upper Paleolithic of Klissoura Cave 1

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 37-46.

This chapter reports on 29 radiocarbon dates from Middle and Upper Paleolithic layers at Klissoura 1 Cave. All but two of the dates were obtained from material identified as wood charcoal. Both standard ABA and more stringent ABOX pre-treatment protocols were used for charcoal samples. The radiocarbon dates from the Aurignacian of layers Ille-g and IV show general stratigraphic consistency, and fit with published ages from other Aurignacian assemblages in the Balkans.