Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2014

Jagddarstellungen in der spätmykenischen Kunst der Palast- und Nachpalastzeit

Mitteleilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Mitteilungen 126 (2011) [2014]: 29-61

Το παρόν άρθρο ασχολείται με το θέμα των παραστάσεων κυνηγιού όπως αυτό απεικονίζεται στην τέχνη της ανακτορικής και μετα-ανακτορικής εποχής (ΥE IIIΑ-Γ).

Setting our sights on the distant horizon

Eurasian Prehistory, 11 (1-2) (2014): 203-236

The article constitutes the closing chapter of the proceedings of the Wenner Gren Workshop on “Island Archaeology and the Origins of Seafaring in the Eastern Mediterranean,” which was held at Reggio Calabria in October of 2012.

Kypriaka in Crete. From the Bronze Age to the end of the Archaic Period


The main scope of this book is to demonstrate the extent of the Cypriote influence on Crete during the Iron Age, both with regard to the import of goods, especially pottery and also the degree of influence which Cypriote objects, again mainly pottery, exercised on Cretan artistic production.

Initial occupation of the Gelibolu Peninsula and the Gökçeada (Imbroz) island in the pre-Neolithic and Early Neolithic

Eurasian Prehistory 11 (1-2) (2014): 97-128

This article presents the results of recent surveys and excavations in the Turkish part of the North Aegean. The archaeological discoveries made on the island of Gökçeada (Imbroz) and on the adjacent Gallipoli Peninsula in the years since 1998 are shedding new light on the early prehistory of Turkish Thrace.

The Aegean Mesolithic: environment, economy, and voyaging

Eurasian Prehistory 11 (1-2) (2014): 63-74

The re-establishment of the environment during the early Holocen is one of the most principal aims of the research, in order to interpret the behavioural patterns of the prehistoric people who crossed the Aegean during the final Paleolithic and Mesolithic period.

Temporal placement and context of Cyro-PPNA activity on Cyprus

Eurasian Prehistory 11 (1-2) (2014): 9-28

This short chapter has three main aims. The first is to review and establish the dates of the recently recognized Cypro-PPNA period on Cyprus from the current evidence associated with this phase at the settlements of Ayia Varvara Asprokremnos (hereafter AVA) and Ayios Tychonas Klimonas (hereafter Klimonas).

100 Χρόνια Αρχαιολογικού Έργου στη Θήβα. Οι πρωτεργάτες των ερευνών και οι συνεχιστές τους


Η Θήβα είναι η μόνη σπουδαία αρχαιοελληνική πόλη που ανασκάπτεται εδώ και πάνω από έναν αιώνα αποκλειστικά από Έλληνες αρχαιολόγους, μέλη της Αρχαιολογικής Υπηρεσίας. Το έργο τους ακουμπά διαχρονικά τρεις αιώνες.

Tying the Treads of Eurasia. Trans-regional Routes and Material Flows in Transcaucasia, Eastern Anatolia and Western Central Asia, c. 3000-1500 BC


Tying the Treads of Eurasia. Trans-regional Routes and Material Flows in Transcaucasia, Eastern Anatolia and Western Central Asia, c. 3000-1500 BC The famous ‘Silk Roads’ have long evoked a romantic picture of travel through colourful civilizations that connected the western and eastern poles of Eurasia, facilitating the exchange of exotic luxury goods, peoples, pathogens and ideas. But how far back can we trace such interaction? Increasing evidence suggests considerable time-depth for Trans-Eurasian exchange, with the expanding urban networks of the Bronze Age at times anticipating later caravan routes.

Νεολιθικά τέχνεργα


Νεολιθικά τέχνεργα Η Μακεδονία λόγω της κεντρικής θέσης της στο σταυροδρόμι μεταξύ Αιγαίου και Βαλκανίων, Ανατολής και Δύσης, αποτέλεσε από νωρίς τόπο όπου αναπτύχθηκαν σημαντικοί νεολιθικοί οικισμοί, αρκετοί από τους οποίους έχουν ερευνηθεί τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες και πολλοί περισσότεροι έχουν καταγραφεί με επιφανειακές έρευνες.