Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2016

The insular ecology and palaeoenvironmental impacts of the domestic goat (Capra hircus) in Mediterranean Neolithization

Στο M. Ghilardi, F. Leandri, J. Bloemendal, L. Lespez & S. Fachard (eds) 2016. Géoarchélogie des îles de Mediterranée, Paris: 47-56.

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We consider the insular ecology of Capra hircus and suggest that its introduction into Quercus-dominated Mediterranean environments would have resulted in dramatically increased predation on plant genera that were not adapted for ovicaprid herbivory. This would have driven a series of corresponding changes, including the sheet erosion of topsoils and ecological release in competitor taxa. These changes – possibly including localized extinctions – may possibly have been more substantial than those effected via direct human agency.

Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene Sea-Crossings in the Aegean: Direct, Indirect and Controversial Evidence

Στο M. Ghilardi, F. Leandri, J. Bloemendal, L. Lespez & S. Fachard (eds) 2016. Géoarchélogie des îles de Mediterranée, Paris: 33-46.

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This paper reviews the geoarchaeological evidence for the early prehistoric sea-crossings in the Aegean (Eastern Mediterranean). It stresses the differences in character and scale between the initial serendipitous crossings and the fully-organised maritime networks of the later parts of prehistory.

La diffusion du Néolithique en Méditerranée

Στο M. Ghilardi, F. Leandri, J. Bloemendal, L. Lespez & S. Fachard (eds) 2016. Géoarchélogie des îles de Mediterranée, Paris: 23-32.

Cet article propose une synthèse sur la chronologie et les caractères de la diffusion du Néolithique depuis le Proche-Orient jusqu’au Maroc à travers l’espace méditerranéen. Après avoir résumé les principales étapes de l’émergence de l’économie agricole dans la zone levantine, le cas de Chypre est plus particulièrement évoqué: les répercussions des avancées continentales y sont précoces, dès le Xe millénaire avant notre ère, tandis que l’île évoluera ensuite vers un conservatisme particulier (culture de Khirokitia).

Examining the chaîne opératoire of the Late Cypriot II-IIIA Female Terracotta Figurines: Preliminary Results of the Experimental Approach

Στο R. Maguire & J. Chick (eds) 2016. Approaching Cyprus. Proceedings of the Post-Graduate Conference of Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA) held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, 1st-3rd November 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne: 98-109.

Broadly speaking, the handmade female terracottas can be stylistically separated into two groups comprising both hollow and solid examples: the so called “bird-headed” (Type A) and “flat-headed” (Type B) figurines. While examining their chaîne opératoire, an experimental methodology was employed to draw out additional information relating to their manufacture.

The Development of Protohistoric Jewellery from Cyprus and the Aegean: An Analysis with Special Reference to Signs of Cultural Interconnections

Στο R. Maguire & J. Chick (eds) 2016. Approaching Cyprus. Proceedings of the Post-Graduate Conference of Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA) held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, 1st-3rd November 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne: 40-59.

The aim of the following analysis is an identification of changes and continuity in the style and composition of the jewellery which occurred in Cyprus and the Aegean during the Late Bronze Age and the (Early) Iron Age.

Libations and the Use of Mycenaean Conical Rhyta in Ritual Practice in the Late Cypriot IIA-IIIA Periods

Στο R. Maguire & J. Chick (eds) 2016. Approaching Cyprus. Proceedings of the Post-Graduate Conference of Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA) held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, 1st-3rd November 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne: 22-39.

The end of the Late Bronze Age in Cyprus is a time of multiple social and economic transformations. This period is often characterized by substantial culture contact due to developments in seafaring as well as intensification of the copper industry, significant trade with the Aegean, and a reworking of ritual spaces.

A Linguistic Approach to Population Movement to Ancient Cyprus

Στο R. Maguire & J. Chick (eds) 2016. Approaching Cyprus. Proceedings of the Post-Graduate Conference of Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA) held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, 1st-3rd November 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne): 2-21.

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This chapter seeks to integrate the direct linguistic data with the archaeological, and suggests that a wholescale migration episode does not reflect the evidence well. Instead, it is argued that we should view the arrival of the Greek language on Cyprus as a long-term process during which speakers of other Cypriot languages chose to start speaking Greek, a hypothesis not incompatible with the “hybridisation” model of understanding social change on the island in this period.

Scene di prothesis e di deposizione a Creta e sul continente greco in età micenea

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 681-694.

This paper deals with depictions of two specific moments of the Late Bronze Age III funeral ritual that are poorly attested in Aegean art, both on Crete and on the mainland, namely, the exposure of the deceased (prothesis) and his or her subsequent deposition in the coffin.

“Apparire” o “essere”? Questioni di status nella Creta palaziale

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 669-680.

Earlier studies have showed that Minoan iconography placed special emphasis on the connection of attire and hairstyle with the age of individuals. The article argues that this emphasis was due to the key role that corporative groups structured on an age basis played in social life and the management of political power in palatial Crete.

La ceramica in contesto. L’ edificio protopalaziale sull’ Acropoli Mediana di Festos nel MM IIB

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 437-446.

The protopalatial building comprising rooms CV, CVI and CVII is located 100 m west of the Palace of Phaistos, on the southwestern slope of the so-called “Middle Acropolis’’. The complex, which was the object of a rescue excavation between 1969 and 1971, shows features setting it sharply apart from the other domestic structures unearthed outside the palace area. These features suggest it was a building with special functions.

Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World. Palace and Province in the Late Bronze Age


Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World. Palace and Province in the Late Bronze Age In this book, Kramer-Hajos examines the Euboean Gulf region in Central Greece to explain its flourishing during the postpalatial period. Providing a social and political history of the region in the Late Bronze Age, she focuses on the interactions between this “provincial” coastal area and the core areas where the Mycenaean palaces were located. Drawing on network and agency theory, two current and highly effective methodologies in prehistoric Mediterranean archaeology, Kramer-Hajos argues that the Euboean Gulf region thrived when it was part of a decentralized coastal and maritime network, and declined when it was incorporated in a highly centralized mainland-looking network.

Οικιστική οργάνωση στην προϊστορική Ελλάδα. Η Νεολιθική και η Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού


Οικιστική οργάνωση στην προϊστορική Ελλάδα. Η Νεολιθική και η Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού Στο χρονολογικό ορίζοντα της Νεολιθικής εποχής (6500 π.Χ.- 3900 π.Χ.) εμφανίστηκαν με την αρχή της Νεολιθικής περιόδου οι πρωιμότερες μόνιμες εγκαταστάσεις των πρώτων γεωργών και κτηνοτροφών, οι απλές κοινωνικές δομές των οποίων με την έναρξη της Εποχής του Χαλκού άρχισαν να μετεξελίσσονται σε ποικιλόμορφες κατά περιοχές πολιτιστικές ομάδες με πολυπλοκότερη κοινωνική διάρθρωση.

Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean


Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean The diverse forms of regional connectivity in the ancient world have recently become an important focus for those interested in the deep history of globalisation. This volume represents a significant contribution to this new trend as it engages thematically with a wide range of connectivities in the later prehistory of the Mediterranean, from the later Neolithic of northern Greece to the Levantine Iron Age, and with diverse forms of materiality, from pottery and metal to stone and glass.

Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B


Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B Nel primo volume, la scrittura, le pratiche scribali e quelle amministrative sono presentate nel dettaglio e messe a confronto con quelle delle amministrazioni minoiche in “geroglifico” cretese e in lineare A, mentre i documenti sono contestualizzati sul piano archeologico e descritti dal punto di vista epigrafico, paleografico e archivistico. Nel secondo volume, dopo una descrizione dettagliata dei settori produttivi ricostruibili in base alla testimonianza delle fonti scritte, è proposta una sintesi sul mondo miceneo, relativa a geografia, società, economia e religione.

Ristrutturando il Primo Palazzo di Festos. Materiali di scarto dallo scarico del Bastione II

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 425-436.

The dump of “Bastione II’’, found by Doro Levi during his 1950-1966 excavation of the Minoan site of Phaistos, is located on the northern edge of the Lower West Court of the First Palace, and is one of the most conspicuous deliberate fills of Protopalatial Phaistos. Recently studied and interpreted as a homogeneous deposit of MM IIA, it includes not only a large amount of pottery, but also many plaster fragments and other construction debris.